Natural Fertility Tricks, Tips and Supplements


Another month passes and you end up with the same question: ‘Why can’t I get pregnant? After ovulation kits, calendars, lubes and …stress, if you don’t see any improvements and you are not ready to seek medical help, here are some natural remedies and easy solutions that may help you to conceive.

Studies concluded that 20% of couples are not able to conceive during a year. Even if the rate of success is pretty high, the rate of infertility raises especially in developed areas; therefore it is one of the major problems in UK as well. Even if NHS and private clinics may help couples looking for the best way to get pregnant, natural remedies approved by your GP can only help.

Fertility problems

If you have difficulties in conceiving, you have a multitude of options to try. Assisted reproduction is common today, but other couples may want to try lifestyle changes and natural solutions before recurring to an expensive intervention:

– Lifestyle affects fertility. Small changes may be enough to help you regain your couple joy, thus your appetite for making love
– Natural ways of regulating the menstrual and ovulation cycle
– Medicine treating the conditions forbidding the couple to conceive

Making love before or as close to ovulation as possible may help, but there are other ways to increase fertility. Here are some solutions that may help you in trying to conceive.

For her:

1. Weight control

William Gibbons from Baylor Medicine College says weight is important when trying to conceive. Maintaining the optimal weight will help you conceive. The study was made on 2000 pregnant women. Those having a BMI of 25-39 had a double weight growth during pregnancy than those having a normal BMI of 18.5-24.

2. Be careful what you drink

Exaggerated consumption of alcohol and smoking will affect fertility. W Gibbons says 1-2 cups of coffee a day are accepted if the caffeine dose is maintained between 200 and 250 mg, including caffeine from soft drinks.

Swedish researchers discovered that women drinking more than two alcoholic drinks a day are 60% less fertile than the ones not consuming. One of the tips for getting pregnant is to quit alcohol for good while you are trying.

For Him:

1. Protect your sperm

Dr. Dale McClure, president of the Seattle Reproductive Medicine Institute recommends men to stay away from certain sources of heat. For example, daily baths in hot water must be avoided.

The laptop used on legs may also lead to decreasing quality of sperm because of radiation and heat. Keeping your mobile phone in your front pocket of pants is not recommended as well.


2. Diet and exercise

You hear this everywhere, so it probably has to be true. Change your eating habits, quit smoking and try to renounce the weekly night out with guys if you can’t retain yourself from drinking. Exercising 30 minutes a day or even more will give you the tonus needed to ‘try’ and ‘be ready’ whenever required 😉

For the couple:

1. Calculate the fertile window

Richard Paulson, a specialist in endocrinology, reproduction and infertility from the SucKeck Medicine School in California says that couples waiting the ovulation day or the day after to try to conceive could start having intercourse even with a couple of days before the one of ovulation. Also, you have to keep a strict program of ovulation.

2. Make love a lot!

Daily intercourse is more recommended than keeping an eye on the calendar and staying stressed at work knowing that you have to jump in the car and to call your husband home in case ovulation comes. However, daily sex only with the goal of conceiving can be an important cause for stress in the couple.

make love

3. Choose the right lubes

If you have sex more than the usual, some lubricating problems may appear. Ask your partner to be gentle and not to skip foreplay, but also use spermicides during contact. Use canola and almond oil. Also avoid soap and water based lubricants as those will decrease the mobility of sperm.

4. Pesticides

Avoid exposure to pesticides, as those are harmful both to men and women. Certain solvents, including the ones used in printing and cleaning may affect fertility both in men and women.

5. Quit smoking

Smoking affects fertility both in men and women, so consider quitting while trying. If you become pregnant, you will have to quit anyway so make yourself good and quit today. In women, smoking decreases the capacity of the urethra to fix the fructified ovule. Men will suffer from a decreased quantity of sperm and affects the DNA.

Natural Remedies to Improve fertility

While following the fertility treatments recommended by the doctor, don’t forget about home remedies to improve the reproductive functions.

1. Acupuncture for fertility

Hormonal disequilibrium is a frequent cause of infertility. Acupuncture improves hormonal secretions and improves the reproductive functions of urethra and ovaries

2. Yoga and other techniques of relaxation

It is time to relax if you want to have a baby, and it is good to try to keep at least the mental relaxation once you give birth, as you will probably not enjoy the physical rest too much once the baby is born. For some people, yoga is the best anti stress method, especially when it comes with meditation. Some women choose more intense exercising and preparation methods such as Pilates, fitness and aerobic.

3. Herbal teas

Even if there are not many medical proofs, we all know the spectacular effects of some teas on the body, even when it comes to fertility. Many people suffering from infertility conceived after herbal treatments. Among the most popular plants used to increase the chances of conceiving, we can name a few:

 • Cow parsnip Branca Ursului;
 • Primrose (primula);
 • Flaxseed;
 • Nettle;
 • Yarrow;
 • Ginseng;
Don’t forget those have to be administrated according to the specifications of the GP, whether we are talking about teas, supplements or natural tablets.

natural fertility supplements

1. Cow Parsnip

In some parts of the world it is known as the most beneficial plant for people with fertility problems, being one of the strongest natural hormonal stimulants and sexual toning remedies. It is beneficial both for men and women.



For women

– stimulates the activity of ovaries and the production of ovules
– Rejuvenates the organism and regulates the menstrual cycle
– Favours the relaxation of women’s urethra increasing the quantity of vaginal secretions with lubricant effects

For men, the treatment with cow parsnip tincture is important in treating:

– Vascular, hormonal and physical impotence
– Helps treating asthenospermia and it is a strong aphrodisiac, increasing the blood levels in the genital area
– Treats sterility problems, impotency. Its active substances have an enhancing effect on endocrine glands, on nervous system and on the cardiovascular system
It is an adjuvant for the medical treatment for sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhoea and syphilis.


Branca Ursului capsules and tinctures are food supplements less known in UK. It is recommended tinctures from seeds and flowers of the plant and less from roots.
One teaspoon 3-4 times a day dissolved in a glass of water. Use for 3-6 months.
Stop the treatment as soon as you become pregnant and talk with your GP about the opportunity of continuing the treatment.

2. Primrose Oil


Primrose oil increases fertility in women and maintains the cervical mucus ready for ovulation. Can be considered one of the tips for getting pregnant faster. Primrose oil helps hormonal equilibration in women, so those can calculate ovulation a lot easier.


Use before ovulation in the first 14 days of the menstrual cycle. The recommended daily dosage is 1500 grams, as pills. Read the leaflets and ask the advice of a medic.

Daily dosage should not exceed 300mg/day. Usually, it is recommended a dosage of 1500 grams in form of pills. Please follow the instructions on the leaflet and ask the advice of your GP if needed.

Not recommended for people allergic to aspirin and to people taking anticoagulant treatments. However, a treatment with primrose oil is good for pregnant women, as it stimulates lactation.

3. Flaxseed

Flaxseed contains an essential component in maintaining the health of the urinary tract in women, and in preventing some affection of the genital system. This substance resembles to estrogen, which can be naturally found in the organism. This is how stabilizing and regulating the ratio between estrogen and progesterone is made. Here are the benefits for the reproductive system brought by flaxseed:
– improves the functions of the urethra
– it regulates the menstrual cycle
– reduces the symptoms of PMS
– treats infertility
– ensures better quality of sperm and an improvement of the spermatozoids
Flaxseed can be consumed in a natural state, but the best results for health are obtained if administered as oil or flour. Avoid administering in too large quantities (more than 5 teaspoons a day), as side effects such as intestinal blockages may occur.
Cautions: during pregnancy or nursing, use with caution and only if recommended by your doctor. Not recommended if you suffer from certain types of cancer.


4. Common nettle

The common nettle is a less known but really effective natural treatment with many improvements on the sexual system.
– ameliorates the PMS syndrome
– regulates the menstrual cycle especially in cases of abundant bleeding
– eliminates excess estrogen
– improves the blood circulation in the pelvic area
– prepares the entire body for pregnancy

Treatment for infertility must start at least three months before deciding to conceive. You can use nettle seeds to fight infertility. An infusion of two teaspoons in 250 ml of water, 3 cups a day.

Nettle leaf can be used to increase fertility. Make a tea and combine it with other teas to minimize the somewhat unpleasant taste.

Not recommended for:

– Pregnant women
– It has a strong purgative effect, and it is recommended with moderation and with the recommendation of the GP. Also combine the treatment with a diet rich in potassium.

4. Yarrow

It is a plant known for its multiple benefits at the level of feminine genital organs.
– May regulate menstrual cycle
– Facilitates ovulation
– Prevents vaginal infections: the antiseptic substances of the plant stops the spreading of candida, reducing the inflammation and rebuilding the epithelia affected by the infection.
– Increases fertility
– Infusion: 1 cup, administrated on an empty stomach
Not recommended for:
– Pregnant women

5. Ginseng

Ginseng is known for its beneficial influence on sexual health of men. The ginseng costume has the next effects:
– Increases potency
– Increases the number of spermatozoids
– Efficient remedy if the man suffers of sexual dysfunctions
In problem of sexual nature, tincture is commonly used. It is obtained from roots, but you can also find it as pills.
– Not recommended for people suffering of depression and anxiety
– It is not recommended in cases of acute inflammatory diseases
– It is not administrated with coffee and drinks based on caffeine
– Cease alcohol consumption during treatment

Cures of 3 weeks are recommended

Natural remedies and medical treatments

natural fertility supplements 1
It is clear that medical treatments are always the surest method to remain pregnant, but many couples have their circumspection when it comes to trying those. And they have their reasons. First, it is natural to try without help, as it is not the most unpleasant activity after all.
Sure, it comes with its disadvantages, as it is not the same as like you are in your honeymoon, true, but a mature couple can handle it. If you can’t ‘make it happen’ in that beautiful vacation planned specially for that, you may thing about natural remedies, diet, exercise, food.

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