What is Hypericum Perforatum?

Properties: As active principles, St. John’s wort is rich in anthracene derivatives (hypericin, pseudohypericin), volatile oils, flavonosides with hyperin as aglycone, caffeic and chlorogenic acids, tannins.
Pharmacological action: due to hypericin and pseudohypericin, volatile oil and tannins, the product has antiseptic, astringent and cicatrizing action. Flavonoides are responsible for the vasodilatory and hypotensive action. Chlorogenic and caffeic acids explain the anti-inflammatory and collagen properties of the plant.
Hypericum Perforatum | Produse Naturiste UK | Farmacie UK – buy Hypericum Perforatum extracts, capsules and tinctures anywhere in the UK
Original price was: £15.00.Current price is: £10.68.
Original price was: £7.00.Current price is: £5.29.


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Original price was: £7.00.Current price is: £5.29.
Original price was: £10.00.Current price is: £7.29.
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Original price was: £15.00.Current price is: £10.68.
Original price was: £10.00.Current price is: £8.99.
Original price was: £10.00.Current price is: £7.99.
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