Hemovert, 15 comprimate + 15 plicuri, Sun Wave Pharma UK
Hemovert este solutia completa sub forma de comprimate si plicuri, iar prin ingredientele continute, asigura un aport de flavonoizi, taninuri, mucilagii, fibre vegetale solubile si insolubile.
– Sustin integritatea sistemului venos (Vitis vinifera, Diosmina, Hesperidina)
– Contribuie la funtionarea normala a tranzitului intestinal (Plantago ovata, Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula, Amorphophallus konjac)
– Ajuta la desfasurarea normala a digestiei (Plantago ovata)
– Sustin functia digestiva (Emblica officinalis, Picrorhiza kurroa, Terminalia chebula)
– Au rol antioxidant si antiinflamator (Curcuma longa, Cammiphora myrrha)
– au rol astringent (Argila rosie, Pinus succinifera)
Mod de administrare:
– primele 5 zile de utilizare: oral – cate 1comprimat si cate 1plic de 2 ori pe zi, dimineata si seara, dupa mese
– urmatoarele 5 zile: oral – 1comprimat dimineata si 1plic seara, dupa mese
– continutul plicului se dizolva in 200 ml apa calduta, se amesteca energic si suspensia rezultata se consuma imediat. Atunci cand se utilizeaza seara, se va pastra un interval de 1 ora inainte de culcare.
Precautii si contraindicatii:
– deoarece Psyllium poate scadea absorbtia unor medicamente administrate pe cale orala, se recomanda ca administrarea acestora sa se faca cu 1 ora inainte sau 1 ora dupa utilizarea continutului plicurilor de Hemovert.
– se recomanda a se evita consumul continutului plicurilor de Hemovert chiar inainte de culcare
– utilizarea continutului plicurilor de Hemovert nu se recomanda persoanelor care sufera de ocluzie intestinala, simptome abdominale nediagnosticate sau care au dificultati la inghitire.
15 comprimate + 15 plicuri
Hemovert, 15 tablets + 15 sachets, Sun Wave Pharma UK
Hemovert is the complete solution in the form of tablets and envelopes, and through the ingredients it contains, it ensures an intake of flavonoids, tannins, mucilages, soluble and insoluble vegetable fibers.
– Support the integrity of the venous system (Vitis vinifera, Diosmina, Hesperidina)
– Contributes to the normal functioning of the intestinal transit (Plantago ovata, Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula, Amorphophallus konjac)
– Helps the normal development of digestion (Plantago ovata)
– Support the digestive function (Emblica officinalis, Picrorhiza kurroa, Terminalia chebula)
– They have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory role (Curcuma longa, Cammiphora myrrha)
– have an astringent role (Red clay, Pinus succinifera)
Administration method:
– the first 5 days of use: oral – 1 tablet and 1 sachet 2 times a day, morning and evening, after meals
– the next 5 days: oral – 1 tablet in the morning and 1 sachet in the evening, after meals
– dissolve the contents of the sachet in 200 ml of warm water, mix vigorously and consume the resulting suspension immediately. When used in the evening, an interval of 1 hour before going to bed will be kept.
Precautions and contraindications:
– because Psyllium can decrease the absorption of some orally administered drugs, it is recommended that they be administered 1 hour before or 1 hour after using the contents of Hemovert sachets.
– it is recommended to avoid consuming the contents of Hemovert sachets right before going to bed
– the use of the contents of Hemovert sachets is not recommended for people suffering from intestinal occlusion, undiagnosed abdominal symptoms or who have difficulty swallowing.
15 tablets + 15 envelopes
Naturemedies –
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