Sanience Korill UK 30 capsules – 500mg
Korill, a krill oil supplement by Sandoz, has several contraindications and precautions you should be aware of before using it. These include:
- Allergies: Do not take Korill if you are allergic to shellfish or any other components of krill oil. Allergic reactions can be severe and include symptoms such as rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, and trouble breathing.
- Bleeding Disorders: Krill oil can affect blood clotting, so it is contraindicated for individuals with bleeding disorders or those taking anticoagulant or antiplatelet medications.
- Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: There is insufficient evidence regarding the safety of krill oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is recommended to avoid use unless specifically advised by a healthcare provider.
- Surgery: If you are scheduled for surgery, it is advised to stop taking krill oil at least two weeks prior to avoid any potential bleeding complications.
- Chronic Conditions: Patients with chronic conditions, particularly those involving liver or kidney disease, should consult their doctor before taking krill oil, as it can interact with medications and affect organ function.
- Drug Interactions: Krill oil may interact with blood pressure medications, anticoagulants (like warfarin), and other supplements. Ensure to discuss with a healthcare provider if you are on any medication regimen.
It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting Korill to ensure it is safe based on your medical history and current medications.
Pure Krill Oil
Regulating cholesterol and triceride levels
Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease
Maintaining blood pressure within normal limits
Restoring the need for essential fatty acids and natural antioxidants
40 times more effective than classic fish oils
Solubility and complete absorption
No gastric reflux with fish taste
Pure Krill oil 500 mg
Phospholipids 200 mg
Omega 3 fatty acids 90 mg
Astaxanrin 400 pcs
One capsule a day before or during a meal. It is recommended in cures for 3 months, 2-3 times a year.
30 capsules
Sanience Korill UK 30 capsule – 500mg
Ulei pur de Krill
Ajuta la:
Reglarea nivelului colesterolului si triceridelor
Reducerea rsicului de afectiuni cardiovasculare
Mintinerea tensiunii arteriale in limite normale
Refacerea necesarului de acizi grasi esentiali si de antioxidanti naturali
De 40 de ori mai eficient decat uleiurile clasice de peste
Solubilitate si absorbtie completa
Fara reflux gastric cu gust de peste
Ulei pur de Krill 500 mg
Fosfolipide 200 mg
Acizi grasi Omega 3 90 mg
Astaxanrin 400 uq
O capsula pe zi inainte sau in timpul mesei. Se recomanda in cure de 3 luni, de 2-3 ori pe an.
30 capsule
EU manufactured and labelled according to UK laws. Please check if you have allergies to any of the composites of the product and consult your GP if you think it may interfere with any of the medical treatments you are following. The photos are for presentation purposes only.
Naturemedies –
Produse naturiste de acasa si alte remedii – cel mai bun pret din UK