Jeleuri cu vitamina C 30 mg Redoxitos Triple Action, 25 bucati, Bayer UK
Ambalajul său ușor și convenabil vă permite să îl luați oriunde, cum ar fi școala, ieșirile sau chiar pentru consum în confortul propriei case. Indiferent de ora sau loc, consumă Redoxitos și reumple vitaminele pe tot parcursul zilei.
Unul dintre rolurile fundamentale ale acesteia in organism este intarirea sistemului imunitar si prevenirea infectiilor, cum ar fi raceala si gripa .
Vitamina C ajuta, de asemenea, la absorbtia fierului si la formarea colagenului necesar cresterii si dezvoltarii tesuturilor (oase, ligament, piele, tendoane).
Redoxitos reduce gravitatea si durata simptomelor de raceala si gripa, ajutand sistemul nostru imunitar sa functioneze la cote maxime.
Mod de administrare:
Copii cu varsta de peste 4 – 8 ani, 1-2 jeleuri pe zi, dupa masa.
Copii cu varsta de peste 9 – 13 ani, 2-3 jeleuri pe zi, dupa masa.
Copii cu varsta de peste 14- 18 ani, 3-4 jeleuri pe zi, dupa masa.
25 bucati
Jeleuri cu vitamina C 30 mg Redoxitos Triple Action 25 bucati Bayer este un supliment alimentar din grupa vitamine, minerale , contine ingrediente active vitamina c (acid ascorbic), vitamina d, zinc si poate contribui la ameliorarea diverselor simptome, la recomandarea medicului sau farmacistului.
Informatii despre Jeleuri cu vitamina C 30 mg Redoxitos Triple Action, 25 bucati, Bayer s-ar putea gasi in articolele: COVID-19, Gripa, Raceala, Imunitate scazuta, Sistemul imunitar.
Jellies with vitamin C 30 mg Redoxitos Triple Action, 25 pieces, Bayer UK
Redoxitos is a vitamin supplement based on vitamins C, D and zinc in the form of jellies.
Essential for the proper functioning of children’s bodies, when supplementing the daily vitamin C needs of 4-year-olds.
They are jellies with orange, strawberry and papaya flavours, forming a delicious mixture of fruit flavours.
Its light and convenient packaging allows you to take it anywhere, such as school, outings or even for consumption in the comfort of your own home. Regardless of time or place, consume Redoxitos vitamins all day long.
One of the fundamental roles of the body is to strengthen the immune system and prevent infections, such as colds and flu.
Vitamin C also helps the absorption of iron and the formation of collagen necessary for the growth and development of tissues (bones, ligaments, skin, and tendons).
Redoxitos reduce the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms, helping our immune system to function at maximum levels.
Administration method:
Children aged over 4 – 8 years, 1-2 jellies per day, after meals.
Children over 9 – 13 years old, 2-3 jellies per day, after meals.
Children over 14-18 years old, 3-4 jellies per day, after meals.
25 pieces
Vitamin C jellies 30 mg Redoxitos Triple Action 25 pieces Bayer is a food supplement from the group of vitamins, and minerals, contains active ingredients vitamin c (ascorbic acid), vitamin d, zinc and can contribute to the improvement of various symptoms, on the recommendation of the doctor or pharmacist.
Information about Jellies with vitamin C 30 mg Redoxitos Triple Action, 25 pieces, Bayer could be found in the articles: COVID-19, Flu, Cold, Low immunity, Immune system.
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