Profecund, 30 comprimate, Hyllan
Infertilitate feminină datorată dereglării ciclului menstrual și a ovulației neregulate;
Ciclu menstrual neregulat;
Ovulație neregulată datorită dereglărilor de ciclu menstrual;
Libidou scăzut (apetit sexual scăzut).
extract uscat 4:1 din racadina de Macă (Lepidium meyenii), celuloza microcristalină (agent de încărcare și antiaglomerant), amidon din porumb (agent de încărcare), extract uscat 10:1 din fructe de Fructul-castitații (Vitex agnus castus), talc și stearat de magneziu vegetal (agenți antiaglomeranți), providona (agent de îngroșare), Quatrefolic (acid metilthetrahidrologic; sare de glucozamină).
Mod de administrare:
1 comprimat pe zi, timp de minim 3 luni de zile (sau conform recomandării medicului specialist).
nu se administrează persoanelor care suferă de boala Parkinson sau de tumori hormono-dependente, precum și celor care folosesc antipsihotice sau/și contraceptive orale combinate.
30 comprimate
Original Romanian Leaflet Hyllan Profecund UK 30 Capsule – natural fertility supplement
ProFecund regulates the menstrual cycle, stimulates ovulation, thus increasing the likelihood of pregnancy.
Stimulates sexual appetite and improves sexual dynamics in women.
Prevents the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus.
Female infertility due to menstrual cycle disorder and irregular ovulation;
Irregular menstrual cycle;
Irregular ovulation due to menstrual disorders;
Low libido (low sexual appetite).
4: 1 dry extract of Maca root (Lepidium meyenii), microcrystalline cellulose (filler and anti-caking agent), maize starch (filler), 10: 1 dry extract of Chastity Fruit (Vitex agnus castus), talc and vegetable magnesium stearate (anti-caking agents), providone (thickening agent), Quatrefolic (methylthetrahydrological acid; glucosamine salt).
1 tablet per day for at least 3 months (or as recommended by a specialist).
should not be used in people with Parkinson’s disease or hormone-dependent tumours, or in those who use combination antipsychotics and/or oral contraceptives.
30 capsules
Return Policy and Delivery Terms
Hyllan Profecund UK 30 Capsule
According to some medics, Hyllan Profecund UK 30 Capsule can be used as a natural fertility product. However, please remember this product can only be taken with the approval of your GP.
Profecund Women UK – Nutritional Supplement for Fertility
One of the most popular dietary supplements for regulating menstrual cycles and used as an aid for fertility. Stimulates sexual appetite and regulates ovulation. The best product when you want to have a baby!
The procreation process depends on many factors in women, and this product is specially conceived to prepare the installment of a healthy pregnancy. The natural composition regulates the key functions of the organism using only the power of nature. Moreover, Profecund UK for women also ensures the necessary of folic acid in the first months of pregancy.
This product is a food supplement. Please do not take any food supplements and medicine without the approval of your GP.
emacroltd –
Good product, best price in the UK