Propolis Vitamina C cu Echinacea, 20/40 comprimate masticabile, Alevia UK
Caracteristici ale produsului:
- Are actiunea antifungica, antivirala, antibacteriana
- Sporeste rezistenta organismului la infectii
- Stimuleaza sistemul imunitar al organismului
- Are efect benefic in infectiile virale si bacteriene.
Acest produs contine propolis, vitamina C, vitamina B2, echinacea.
Mod de administrare:
Se recomanda administrarea a 2-3 comprimate masticabile pe zi la copii si 3-4 comprimate masticabile pe zi la adulti.
Precautii si atentionari:
- suplimentele alimentare nu trebuie sa inlocuiasca o dieta variata si echilibrata si un stil de viata sanatos
- nu se recomanda administrarea la persoanele cu hipersensibilitate sau cu alergie la oricare din componentele produsului
Prezentare: flacon cu 20 comprimate masticabile.
Propolis Vitamin C with Echinacea, 20/40 chewable tablets, Alevia UK
Alevia – Propolis Vitamin C with echinacea 20 compr.mast has a beneficial effect on the oral cavity and the respiratory tract, increasing their resistance to infections caused by bacteria.
Product features:
It has antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial action
Increases the body’s resistance to infections
It stimulates the body’s immune system
It has a beneficial effect on viral and bacterial infections.
This product contains propolis, vitamin C, vitamin B2, echinacea.
Administration method:
It is recommended to take 2-3 chewable tablets per day for children and 3-4 chewable tablets per day for adults.
Precautions and warnings:
food supplements should not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle
it is not recommended for people with hypersensitivity or allergy to any of the product’s components
Presentation: bottle with 20 chewable tablets
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