Sanofi Essentiale Max 30 capsule


Essentiale Max contine fosfolipide esentiale extrase din seminte de soia. Acest medicament este indicat adultilor, adolescentilor si copiilor cu varsta peste 12 ani, pentru ameliorarea simptomelor cum sunt lipsa poftei de mancare si senzatia de presiune in partea dreapta a abdomenului superior, cauzate de afectarea ficatului de catre substante toxice sau alimentatie nesanatoasa (afectarea toxico- nutritionala a ficatului) si in inflamarea cronica a ficatului (hepatita).

Cantitate maxima/Maximum quantity/order: 3

Acesta este un produs OTC. Va rugam sa cititi conditiile de distributie ale acestor produse in descrierea produsului inainte de a cumpara. 

Please Read the Leaflet Before Ordering the product, buying it means you understand how to use it and that you have the approval of your doctor or pharmacist to buy it!


Free Shipping with Royal Mail Tracked 48 for orders >£30. If product is out of stock, write your email in the empty box and you will receive an instant notification when it is back

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Temporary change - All orders made today until 07.30 AM are shipped the same day, the rest will be shipped the working Next Day! In some days we will ship orders received up to 15.00 PM but it is not guaranteed. Also we might ship Saturday but it is not considered a working day!
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Sanofi Essentiale Max 30 capsule
Sanofi Essentiale Max 30 capsule

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