Unguent Untul Pamantului Faunus Plant UK, 50 ml
Reumatism, dureri articulare, dureri musculare, procese inflamatorii, deformari osoase, sinuzita.
Untul-pamântului (Tamus communis), ulei de floarea-soarelui, ceara de albine, rasina de brad, ulei esential de menta, vitamina E.
Mod de utilizare:
Se realizeaza aplicatii locale de 2-3 ori pe zi, la nivelul zonelor afectate.
Pentru rezultate superioare, se recomanda folosirea în asociere cu tinctura REUMATICUS.
Alergie la oricare dintre componentele produsului.
Se recomanda testarea prealabila a sensibilitatii pe o portiune mica de piele.
Produs 100% natural, obtinut prin prelucrare manuala. Nu contine parabeni sau alte substante cu potential nociv.
Unguent Earth’s Butter Faunus Plant UK, 50 ml
Indications: Rheumatism, joint pain, muscle pain, inflammatory processes, bone deformities, sinusitis.
Ingredients: Earth’s Butter (Tamus communis), sunflower oil, beeswax, spruce resin, peppermint essential oil, vitamin E.
Directions for use: Apply locally 2-3 times a day to the affected areas. For superior results, it is recommended to use in combination with REUMATICUS tincture.
Contraindications: Allergy to any of the product’s components.
Precautions: Prior sensitivity testing on a small area of skin is recommended.
100% natural product, obtained through manual processing. It does not contain parabens or any other potentially harmful substances.
Presentation: 50 ml
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