Tag Archives: bee propolis benefits

No less than 21 bacteria, 9 parasitic fungus species, 30 types of viruses (including their varieties) are destroyed by propolis, which is the most powerful anti-infective medicine known. And its therapeutic properties do not stop there, its effectiveness being demonstrated in not less than 200 diseases.

15 Possible Uses of Propolis Tincture

Turmeric – Natural Remedy for Bell’s PatsyIt is said that bee propolis is one of the most reliable natural medicines offered by nature. Because of its composition of vegetal raisins, wax, volatile oils, iron, micro-elements – copper, zinc, cobalt, pollen, secretions of the saliva glands of bees, it increases the physical resistance of the body and removes fatigue. Propolis tincture is also antiviral, anti-inflammatory, it rejuvenates tissues affected by wounds. It heals burns and frostbites, scars, and stops the bleeding of gums.

Types of bee propolis and its benefits

There are two types of propolis: the raw one, in the form of snowballs of brown colour with a sweet-bitter smell, and alcoholic tincture. Here are some of the uses of propolis tincture that can help you in healing many medical conditions.

benefits of propolis

  1. All the infectious diseases leading to fever – 30 drops/day
  2. Menopause – 10 drops a day, every day from the beginning of pregnancy for one year.
  3. Prostate inflammation – 10 drops a day
  4. Hypertension – 30 drops/day
  5. Inflammations of kidney and liver – 40 drops two times a day in a glass of 100ml of hot water. Repeat until healing
  6. Angina, pharyngitis, flu and avoiding complications after surgery – 40 drops/day in a glass with 200ml of boiling water
  7. Stomach ulcers and enteritis – 40 drops/day in 100 ml of warm milk. Drink on an empty stomach.
  8. Corns and keratitis – moist a cotton bud in propolis tincture or bee propolis liquid and almond oil before sleeping. Put it on the painful area. Careful! Keratitides are painful for days!

Propolis: OTC Natural Antibiotic

  1. Skin lesions – rub the affected area (use the bee propolis tincture with alcohol if allowed by your GP). If alcohol is not supported, use the propolis spray. Mix the tincture with cream to reduce the irritating sensation of the skin.
  2. Recovery after pulmonary diseases, including flues: 30 drops. Three times a day or five sprays two times a day in the mouth. Try to spray as far as possible in the pharynx, if you can bear the unpleasant sensation.
  3. Mycosis between toes and fingers – spray or rub the tincture on the affected area.
  4. Stomach pains – 30 drops in 100 ml water. Recommended in intestinal parasitosis.
  5. Tooth pains – moist a cotton bud on the painful tooth. The bee propolis elixir will clean the sore gum or caries.
  6. The same bee propolis benefits can be obtained for old wounds that heal slowly.
  7. The tincture can be used to ease the pain of burns

Where to buy bee propolis products

Naturmedies offers you a less known propolis tincture from Romania, manufactured under EU laws, approved in the UK under European Law and used by tens of thousands of people in the Balkans, but also in other parts of the world. Dacia Plant is the most reputed food supplement manufacturer in Romania, and their propolis tinctures, so accessible and useful in Eastern Europe is now available in the UK.