Tag Archives: vitamins and supplements

“In general terms, the price reflects the quality. That is, you get exactly what you paid, “says Anthony Haynes, a nutritionist and co-founder of London’s Nutrition Clinic. But what does a superior quality product mean? “The one who has a higher concentration of active ingredients and is obviously more effective,” he explains.

Long-lasting nutritional supplements covering over eight to ten hours have been designed specifically for water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin C. It is known that our body eliminates any excess of vitamins two to three hours after they have been administered. Therefore, the great advantage of prolonged action formulas is that, by slowly releasing the active substance, it ensures throughout the day the necessary vitamin dosage.

Vitamins & Supplements Daily Dosage

After sun exposure, the second significant cause of collagen destruction (the “fabric” that sustains the skin, ensuring its elasticity and consistency) is the lack of vitamin C. By loss of collagen, the skin becomes thin, brittle and prematurely drives. Ideal is to have a diet rich in foods with high vitamin C content to make sure your skin receives daily the necessary portion. The recommended daily dose is 60 mg.

Vitamin C – More Than a Common Cold and Flu Remedy


Vitamin C intake protects the body against the harmful effects and physical distress brought on by disease. It is also known as L-ascorbic acid or L-ascorbate.

Vitamin C Supplements and Dosage

It is best to consume vitamin C supplements preferably as organic capsules in small doses twice daily. The body will eliminate the majority of vitamin C taken as ascorbic acid.

Capsules buffer the ascorbic acid with calcium or another mineral reducing its acidity. Esterified ascorbic acid (Ester-C) levels absorbed by white blood cells, the bloodstream and body tissues are higher than measured levels of standard ascorbic acid.
Taking as little as 60mg will prevent scurvy, a disease resulting from low levels of ascorbate. The recommended vitamin C level in the United States is 45 mg daily, and in Russia it is 125mg. Previously it was thought the maximum daily dose should be 2,000 mg, however Dr Patrick B. Massey, M.D., PhD recommends an intake of approximately 5,000 mg buffered ascorbic acid daily according to the December 26, 2010, issue of the Daily Herald.

Common Cold and the Flu Remedy

The vitamin C complex increases white blood cells which fight off virus and bacteria. Colds and flu symptoms improve the intake of 2,000mg to 2,500mg of vitamin C every six hours.
Ascorbic acid, a natural cold and flu remedy, boosts interferon levels. Interferon is an immune-system antibody coating cell surfaces protecting against viral entry. It is a natural antihistamine acting on cold and flu symptoms; watery eyes, nasal and chest congestion.

Cardiovascular Disease and Heart Conditions

Lower the chance of heart attack by ingesting 6,000 mg of vitamin C daily with lysine, an essential amino acid. Lysine repairs tissue and builds up muscle protein. Lysine-rich sources are yeast, red meat, potatoes, milk, lima beans, cheese, eggs, fish, and soy products.
Vitamin C increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, preventing bruising and haemorrhages, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels are lowered.
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Cancer Treatment and Tumor Control

Vitamin C is a natural remedy for cancer pain. The vitamin C complex fights cancer growth, prohibiting invasion into the surrounding tissue, bloodstream or lymphatic system.
Ascorbate increases collagen, a body protein needed for cell walls, blood vessels, ligaments and connective tissues. Collagen confines the cancer cells to one area in the body. Vitamin C with the amino acid lysine, retards protease, the protein-dissolving enzyme which spreads cancer.

“Consider cancer. Would our cellular structure be tough enough to resist this kind of invasion more effectively if our collagen could draw on ascorbic acid production comparable to that of other mammals?” asks biochemist Irwin Stone in the article “The Vitamin C Mania – Why all Those People are Gulping all Those Tablets” published in LIFE Magazine and written by Paul O’Neill.

Alcohol and Cigarettes

Both alcohol and cigarette smoking deprives the body of vitamin C. To cure a nasty hangover, re-hydrate with plenty of water, and replenish ascorbic acid as Ester-C.
A resolution to quit smoking benefits from replenishing low vitamin C levels. About 500mg of vitamin C is lost by smoking one pack of 20 cigarettes.

Haemoglobin and Iron Deficiency

Taking vitamin C assists the body with the absorption of iron.

Haemoglobin in the blood requires iron, folic acid and ascorbic acid. When iron supplements are taken for anaemia (iron deficiency), the body takes vitamin C from the white cells and blood platelets. Vitamin C levels in the body then fall drastically low.

Benefits for Stress and Surgery

The vitamin C complex is needed for the increased metabolic demands placed on the body through emotional or physical stress; childbirth, disease, heat stress and surgery.
Anti-ageing and Longevity

Vitamin C is the best anti-ageing product. Ascorbic acid deficiency over a long period of time contributes to age-related degenerative illnesses. Ascorbic acid increases mental alertness, decreases broken bones, reduces wrinkles, fights fatigue, cataracts, glaucoma, increases energy and ameliorates vertebral-disk lesions.
Topical vitamin C serum’s ability to build up collagen reserves results in one of the best skin products.

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“Look at the ageing process. Many of the symptoms of ageing are the symptoms of scurvy protracted over a long period of time … Would humans live, say 150 – would a man of 60 looks like a man of 35 do? No – if we had adequate lifetime supplies of ascorbic acid? Joint disease? Circulatory ailments?” professes Stone in the same article above.

Vitamin C Complex – Ascorbic Acid and Bioflavonoids

“There’s something about an orange that’s better than taking a vitamin C capsule. It’s the particular mixture of antioxidants in an orange that makes it so good for you. We’re looking for synergistic effects – cases where the effect of two or more antioxidants together was stronger than the sum of them separately,” said nutritionist Tory Parker in the article “Oranges Better Than Vitamin C Capsules” published in The Post Chronicle.

Antioxidant and Bioflavonoid Sources

Vitamins A, C, E beta-carotene, carotenoids, bioflavonoids and selenium are all classified as antioxidants. Rose hips contain large amounts of bioflavonoids and vitamin C.
Bioflavonoids such as rutin enhance the body’s ability to metabolize ascorbic acid. Bilberries, the European blueberry, are a rich source of routine. along with cherries, white grapefruit, grapes, apples, kale, red onions, onions, garlic, spinach, green cabbage, cranberries, and pears. Citrus fruit pulp and grated peels are rich sources of the 4,000 different bioflavonoids.
Take vitamin E, beta-carotene and ascorbic acid together for maximum benefits. Vitamin E is best metabolized with selenium. Seeds, vegetable oils, and grains are important sources of vitamin E and garlic contains selenium. Carrot juice is a rich source of beta-carotene.
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Camu Camu and Other Vitamin Rich Foods

Citrus fruits, berries and green vegetables are important sources of vitamin C. The Kakadu plum, Camu Camu, rose hips and garden cherry has the highest sources of ascorbic acid. One orange contains 70mg vitamin C and a grapefruit 79.1mg.

Side Effects

Do not stop taking large amounts of vitamin C suddenly. This results in a rebound effect – a drastic decrease in vitamin C levels. If pregnant, do not take large amounts of ascorbic acid. After birth, the baby will be deprived of this source, and experience a rebound effect.
natural remedies food supplements
Diabetics should advise their doctor about high vitamin C supplement intake. Blood tests and medications for diabetes may be affected.

Vitamin C is an Important Vitamin

Individual dosage vary depending on lifestyle. The human body cannot produce its own ascorbic acid. It is necessary to eat rich vitamin C food sources daily. A person under stress from disease, or post-operative surgery, requires additional boosts of vitamin C, a super nutrient. Humans cannot survive without vitamin C, an essential nutrient.