Pharco Baraka UK 450mg 24 caps
Baraka este folosit de peste 2000 de ani pentru a creste natural puterea de aparare a organismului la toate varstele. Totodata experienta milenara il recomanda ca fiind benefic persoanelor cu tuse persistenta, restanta dupa raceli sau viroze si persoanelor cu o sensibilitate pronuntata a arborelui respirator precum si la fumatori.
Prin componentele antioxidante, calmante si nutritive din uleiul de chimen negru, Baraka asigura un suport optim pentru cresterea imunitatii la copii si adulti si calmeaza tusea iritativa.
Uleiul semintelor de chimen negru contine acizi grasi saturati si nesaturati, ulei volatil, vitamine, enzime si saruri minerale, saponine si nigelone (substante specifice plantei Nigella sativa).
Mod de administrare:
Adulti si copii de peste 12 ani:Â cate 1 capsula de 3 ori pe zi, inainte de mese.
A nu se depasi doza de 4 capsule pe zi la adulti si respectiv 20 mg/kgcorp/zi pentru copii.
Durata administrarii sa nu depaseasca 30 de zile.
Pentru administrare pe o mai lunga perioada de timp se recomanda avizul medicului.
24 capsule
Return Policy and Delivery Terms
This product is a food supplement, EU manufactured and labelled according to UK laws. Please check if you have allergies to any of the composites of the product and consult your GP if you think it may interfere with any of the medical treatments you are following. The photos are for presentation purposes only.
Pharco Baraka UK 450mg 24 caps
Baraka has been used for over 2000 years to naturally increase the body’s defenses at all ages. At the same time, the millennial experience recommends it as beneficial for people with persistent cough, arrears after colds or viruses and for people with a pronounced sensitivity of the respiratory tree as well as for smokers.
Through the antioxidant, calming and nourishing components of black cumin oil, Baraka provides optimal support for increasing immunity in children and adults and soothes irritative coughs.
Black cumin seed oil contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, volatile oil, vitamins, enzymes and mineral salts, saponins and nigelones (substances specific to the plant Nigella sativa).
Administration method:
Adults and children over 12 years: 1 capsule 3 times a day before meals.
Do not exceed the dose of 4 capsules per day in adults and 20 mg / kg body weight / day for children, respectively.
The duration of administration should not exceed 30 days.
For longer administration, the doctor’s advice is recommended.
24 capsules
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