Plant Extrakt Extract din muguri de Măr Pădureț UK 50 ml
Nivele de acţiune: sistem nervos central, sistem circulator, sistem hormonal, aparat digestiv, aparat urinar, aparat osteoarticular, piele.
Extractul gemoterapic este obţinut din muguri proaspeţi de Măr pădureţ (Malus sylvestris), prelucraţi conform reţetei farmaceutice de macerat glicerinic. Conţine alcool etilic de cereale 18% vol.
Sistem nervos central: ajută la ameliorarea stărilor de astenie fizică şi psihică; fortifică nervii şi memoria; recomandat în stări de suprasolicitare fizică şi intelectuală (dificultăţi de concentrare), ajută la relaxare, diminuând stările de anxietate;
Sistem circulator: ajută la reglarea permeabilităţii vasculare şi a tensiunii arteriale (protector vascular şi antioxidant), reduce nivelul de colesterol şi trigliceride din sânge;
Detoxifiere: susţine procesul de detoxifiere generală a organismului, prin efect depurativ, antiinflamator şi alcalinizant;
Sistem hormonal: susţine nivelul de hormoni steroizi şi potenţează acţiunea progesteronului.
Alte beneficii: acţiune antiinflamatoare la nivel osteoarticular, digestiv, urinar şi cutanat.
Extract hidro-glicero-alcoolic (alcool etilic 96% vol.obținut din cereale, glicerină, apă purificată) din muguri de Măr pădureț-Mallus sylvestris (0,5%). Conține alcool etilic de cereale 18% vol. Valoare energetică: 1,78 kcal/g sau 7,45 kJ/g.
*Plantă recoltată ecologic
Certificare Ecoinspect Ro-008
Mod de administrare:
Adulţi: în general, câte 2 ml, în puţină apă, de 2 ori pe zi, dimineaţa şi seara, înainte de mese.
1 ml=aprox. 25 de picături
În cazul asocierii cu alte extracte gemoterapice, se va administra o dată pe zi.
Durata administrării poate varia între 1-3 luni de zile. Se poate repeta administrarea după 1 sau 2 luni de pauză.
Nu se cunosc reacţii adverse sau contraindicaţii.
50 ml
This product is a food supplement, EU manufactured and labelled according to UK laws. Please check if you have allergies to any of the composites of the product and consult your GP if you think it may interfere with any of the medical treatments you are following. The photos are for presentation purposes only.
Plant Extrakt Extract din muguri de Măr Pădureț UK 50 ml
Levels of action: central nervous system, circulatory system, hormonal system, digestive tract, urinary tract, osteoarticular system, skin.
The gemotherapeutic extract is obtained from fresh wild apple buds (Malus sylvestris), processed according to the pharmaceutical recipe for glycerin maceration. Contains 18% vol. Ethyl alcohol.
Central nervous system: helps to alleviate states of physical and mental asthenia; strengthens nerves and memory; recommended in states of physical and intellectual overload (difficulty concentrating), helps to relax, reducing anxiety;
Circulatory system: helps regulate vascular permeability and blood pressure (vascular protector and antioxidant), reduces the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood;
Detoxification: supports the general detoxification process of the body, through a purifying, anti-inflammatory and alkalizing effect;
Hormone system: supports the level of steroid hormones and potentiates the action of progesterone.
Other benefits: anti-inflammatory action at the osteoarticular, digestive, urinary and skin levels.
Hydro-glycerol-alcoholic extract (ethyl alcohol 96% vol. Obtained from cereals, glycerin, purified water) from apple buds Forest Mallus-Mallus sylvestris (0.5%). Contains grain ethyl alcohol 18% vol. Energy value: 1.78 kcal / g or 7.45 kJ / g.
* Ecologically harvested plant
Ecoinspect Ro-008 certification
Administration method:
Adults: generally 2 ml, in a little water, twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, before meals.
1 ml = approx. 25 drops
In combination with other gemotherapeutic extracts, it should be administered once daily.
The duration of administration can vary between 1-3 months. The administration can be repeated after a break of 1 or 2 months.
There are no known side effects or contraindications.
50 ml
Please only take this food supplement after consulting with your doctor. Read more about the Terms and Conditions used by our company for distributing it.
Naturemedies –
Good product!