Vedra Prospan Sirop UK 200ml
Prospan sirop este un medicament pe baza de plante, care contine extract uscat din frunze de iedera (Hederae folium) ca substanta activa.
Tratament simptomatic al afectiunilor inflamatorii bronsice cronice, inflamatii acute ale tractului respirator insotite de tuse.
Prospan sirop este utilizat pentru tratarea tusei la adulti, adolescenti si copii.
Substanţa activă este extractul uscat din frunze de iederă (Hederae folium)
100 ml sirop conţin 0,7 g extract uscat din frunze de iederă (Hederae folium) (5 -7,5):1 Agent de extracţie: alcool etilic (etanol) 30% (m/m)
Celelalte componente sunt: sorbat de potasiu (Ph.Eur.) (conservant), acid citric anhidru (Ph. Eur.), sorbitol soluţie 70% (cristalizabilă)( E420) (Ph.Eur.), gumă xanthan, aromă de cireşe, apă purificată.
Mod de adminsitrare:
Adulti si copii peste 10 ani – doza recomandata este de 5 ml sirop de 3 ori pe zi (corespunzand la 105 mg de extract uscat din Hederae folium – frunza de iedera). Daca este necesar, doza pentru adulti poate fi crescuta la 7.5 ml sirop de 3 ori pe zi (corespunzand la 157.5 mg de extract uscat din Hederae folium – frunza de iedera).
Copii intre 6 si 9 ani – doza recomandata este de 5 ml sirop de 3 ori pe zi (corespunzand la 105 mg de extract uscat din Hederae folium – frunza de iedera).
Copii intre 1 si 5 ani – doza recomandata este de 2.5 ml sirop de 3 ori pe zi (corespunzand la 52.5 mg de extract uscat din Hederae folium – frunza de iedera).
Prospan sirop se administreaza dimineata, la pranz si seara. Siropul se administreaza cu masura dozatoare atasata flaconului. Se recomanda a se agita energic flaconul inainte de utilizare.
Durata tratamentului este functie de felul si gravitatea bolii. Tratamentul trebuie efectuat cel putin o saptamana, chiar si in cazul inflamatiilor usoare ale tractului respirator.
Se recomanda ca tratamentul sa fie continuat 2-3 zile dupa disparitia simptomelor. Se recomanda a nu se depasi doza zilnica recomandata.
200 ml
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Vedra Prospan Syrup UK 200ml
Prospan syrup is a herbal medicine that contains dried extract of ivy leaves (Hederae folium) as an active substance.
Symptomatic treatment of chronic bronchial inflammatory diseases, acute inflammation of the respiratory tract accompanied by cough.
Prospan syrup is used to treat coughs in adults, adolescents and children.
The active substance is a dry extract of ivy leaves (Hederae folium).
100 ml syrup contains 0.7 g dry extract of ivy leaves (Hederae folium) (5 -7.5): 1 Extraction agent: ethyl alcohol (ethanol) 30% (m / m)
The other ingredients are potassium sorbate (Ph.Eur.) (Preservative), anhydrous citric acid (Ph. Eur.), Sorbitol 70% solution (crystallizable) (E420) (Ph.Eur.), Xanthan gum, cherry flavor , purified water.
Method of administration:
For adults and children over 10 years – the recommended dose is 5 ml of syrup 3 times a day (corresponding to 105 mg of dry extract of Hederae folium – ivy leaf). If necessary, the adult dose can be increased to 7.5 ml of syrup 3 times a day (corresponding to 157.5 mg of dry extract of Hederae folium – ivy leaf).
For children between 6 and 9 years – the recommended dose is 5 ml of syrup 3 times a day (corresponding to 105 mg of dry extract of Hederae folium – ivy leaf).
For children between 1 and 5 years – the recommended dose is 2.5 ml of syrup 3 times a day (corresponding to 52.5 mg of dry extract of Hederae folium – ivy leaf).
Prospan syrup is administered in the morning, at noon and in the evening. The syrup is administered with a measuring cup attached to the vial. It is recommended to shake the bottle vigorously before use.
The duration of treatment depends on the type and severity of the disease. Treatment should be performed for at least a week, even in case of mild inflammation of the respiratory tract.
It is recommended that treatment be continued 2-3 days after the disappearance of symptoms. It is recommended not to exceed the recommended daily dose.
100 ml
Please check if you have allergies to any of the composites of the product and consult your GP if you think it may interfere with any of the medical treatments you are following. The photos are for presentation purposes only.
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Naturemedies –
Sirop prospan pentru tratamentul racelii