Cow Parsnip – Branca Ursului – Treating Infertility In A Natural Way

Branca Ursului UK

Cow Parsnip is known as one of the most efficient natural remedies in Romania against infertility, its benefits being proven by scientific research. Cow Parsnip (in the UK) – Branca Ursului has antiseptic properties, comparable with synthesis medicine used to treat sterility and impotency problems. Tea from this plant is also a remedy for sterility, impotence and frigidity, but also for women’s infertility.

Treating Infertility In A Natural Way

branca ursului infertility treatment

Homoeopathic doctors compare Branca Ursului with Ginseng when it comes to the list of benefits that the flowers and seeds of this plant give. It is a strong hormonal stimulator, increasing fertility, enhancing the functions of the nervous system and preventing arterial diseases. Romania is one of the areas where it is common, but it can also be found in the UK. Here, it is known for the rashes it may give if used improperly. This is not the case with tinctures and capsules that are extracted from flowers and seeds of the plant.

Benefits of Branca Ursului for women

Used mostly as a feminine tonic because of the effect it has as an ovarian activity, for the vaginal and urethral area. Used traditionally as tea, now it is available as powder, tinctures and tablets. It helps the medical treatment of amenorrhea in women at maturity. Amenorrhea is lack of menstrual cycle in women before menstruation and may become a reason for hormonal disequilibrium or a problem when it comes to conceiving a baby. Infertility in women – infertility may have hormonal causes or can be provoked by a blocking of ovarian trumps. The majority of treatments against infertility are stressful for women and may aggravate the condition. Such a homoeopath remedy can be your first attempt to cure it, as it comes with almost no secondary effects. If combined with a cure of Parsnip tincture or tablets for your partner, it may give the wanted result.

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Frigidity – lack of sexual desire can be treated with Branca Ursului (Cow Parsnip) tincture because of the stimulating and relaxing effects in the vaginal and urethral area. Premature menopause – there are situations in which menopause installs sooner than expected for some women, and sometimes before 30 years old. The effects of this plant may be to restart the menstrual cycle and to reverse the ‘biological clock’ in a natural way. Sexually transmitted diseases – even if it is not a treatment itself for sexually transmitted diseases, Branca Ursului increases the resistance of the sexual organs to diseases and increases sexual performance since antiquity. It is recommended as an adjuvant in your medical treatment, but only if the doctor recommends it and if it does not conflict with the medical treatments you may follow to treat the condition.

Benefits of men from treatment with Cow Parsnip Tincture

For men, Branca Ursului is the ideal solution in the UK to treat vascular impotency, hormonal disorders or sterility. The way this plant works will stimulate the secretion of glands and will increase the dilatation of blood vessels, increasing the number of spermatozoids and increasing their mobility. The advantage of this treatment for men is that Branca Ursului comes with almost no side effects.

As it is a sedative and relaxing plant, it is also recommended as help in treating mental diseases, regulating the activity of the central system at the same time. It is not recommended to use Branca Ursului to replace medical treatment, and always seek the help of the doctor if you don’t observe improvements.

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