Mod de administrare
Tineri intre 14 si 18 ani: cate 20 picaturi de 3 ori pe zi
Adulti:Â cate 30 picaturi de 3 ori pe zi.
Tinctura se dilueaza in 100 ml de apa (jumatate de pahar) cu 30 minute inainte de masa. Se recomanda administrare de lunga durata cu o saptamana pauza dupa fiecare luna de administrare.
Hiperestrogenism, sarcina, alaptare, intoleranta la oricare dintre componentele produsului.
La persoanele cu sensibilitate la stomac se recomanda administrarea produsului dupa masa.
Contribuie la
– normalizarea concentratiei de estrogeni; – mentinerea echilibrului hormonal la femei; – imbunatatirea digestiei.
extract 1:3,75 in solutie hidroalcoolica (alcool etilic/apa – 45/55 in raport de masa) din seminte de marar (Anethum graveolens).
Dacia Plant Dill Tincture 50 ml
Extract 1: 3.75 in hydro-alcoholic solution (ethanol / water – 45/55 in mass ratio) of dill seed (Anethum graveolens)
Total plant / ethanol – 1: 3.75.
The product does not contain preservatives and artificial colourings.
Usage Instructions
1 teaspoon in 100 ml of water, 3 times a day, with 15 minutes before meals
Due to its alcohol content, is not recommended in combination with treatments for viral hepatitis, toxic and metabolic steatosis, cirrhosis, pregnancy and lactation.
Hypermenorea, ovarian cysts, nodules, benign and malignant breast or genital dill allergy, treatments that do not allow alcohol consumption. Administer with caution for people with gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers hyperacid (due to the content in alcohol, it can increase stomach acidity).
About Dill Tincture
Natural food supplement for:
– Normalization of estrogen
– Maintaining hormonal balance in women
– Improved digestion.
This product is a food supplement
The Dill Elixir is a hydro-alcoholic solution obtained by cold pressing Anethum graveolens plant seeds. They are used in traditional medicine because of their estrogenic properties, being recommended to correct estrogen deficiencies in women.
Dill is a plant that helps growing female secondary characteristics (enlarges breasts, stronger hair, softens the skin).
From the category of plant products taken orally, hydro-alcoholic solutions are most easily assimilated by the body, with immediate effects.
Compared to the classical methods of production, Dacia Plant uses a repeated extraction process that permits a 35% hydro-alcoholic concentration of plant.
Stimulates and harmonizes reproductive activity in women, estrogen, emmenagogue (menstrual cycle triggers) galactogoga (stimulates lactation in breastfeeding women) It is a digestive tonic, stomachic, carminative, antispasmodic, diuretic.
It is used as an adjutant in amenorrhea (lack of menstruation), dysmenorrhea (painful and irregular periods), infertility in women, premature menopause, mammary hypoplasia, difficult digestion, flatulence (bloating), digestive spasms.
This product is a food supplement, EU manufactured and labelled according to UK laws. Please check if you have allergies to any of the composites of the product and consult your GP if you think it may interfere with any of the medical treatments you are following. The photos are for presentation purposes only.
Carla D –
A smooth extract perfect to take before sleep with olive oil