Dacia Plant Citonat UK 150 Capsule
Produs natural care conține 9 plante medicinale remarcabile din flora românească și internațională, ale căror proprietăți contribuie la protejarea organismului în perioada tratamentului cu medicamente citostatice și/sau radioterapiei și la menținerea în limite normale a procesului de multiplicare celulară la nivelul organelor și țesuturilor.
– funcÈ›ionarea normală a procesului de diviziune celulară, prin inducerea procesului de autodistrugere a celulelor modificate;
– funcÈ›ionarea normală a sistemului imunitar, prin normalizarea secreÈ›iei de: interferon, factor de necroză tumorală (TNF- α), interleukine 1,2,8, limfocite B, celule NK (natural killer), celule T supresoare È™i macrofage;
– protejarea organismului împotriva efectelor secundare ale chimioterapiei È™i radioterapiei;
– buna funcÈ›ionare a hematopoezei;
– creÈ™terea rezistenÈ›ei organismului la infecÈ›ii;
– îmbunătățirea tonusului È™i vitalității celulare;
– protejarea celulelor împotriva stresului oxidativ.
Celuloza microcristalină, cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis)-extract hidroalcoolic din miceliu, cu 20% polizaharide (200 mg), ganoderma (Ganoderma lucidum) – extract hidroalcoolic cu 20% polizaharide (200 mg), agaricus (Agaricus blazei)- extract hidroalcoolic cu 20% polizaharide (100 mg), ashwagandha (Withania somniferă) – pulbere din rădăcini (100 mg), astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) – extract hidroalcoolic 10:1 din rădăcini (100 mg), oldenlandia (Oldenlandia diffusa)- extract hidroalcoolic 5:1 din părÈ›i aeriene (100 mg), rostopasca (Chelidonium majus)- părÈ›i aeriene (100 mg), goji (Lycium barbarum) – extract hidroalcoolic cu 40% polizaharide din fructe (50 mg), coriolus (Coriolus versicolor) – extract hidroalcoolic cu 20% polizaharide (50 mg), dioxid de siliciu coloidal, È™tearat de magneziu.
Mod de administrare:
Adulți: în prima săptămână se administrează câte 1 comprimat de 3 ori pe zi, pe stomacul gol, cu 15-20 de minute înaintea mesei.
Din a doua săptămână, se administrează câte 2 comprimate de 3 ori pe zi, pe stomacul gol, cu 15-20 de minute înaintea mesei. Persoanele cu greutate corporală peste 80 kg pot crește doza până la 8 comprimate pe zi (câte 2 comprimate de 4 ori pe zi).
Tineri între 15 și 18 ani: câte 1 comprimat de 3 ori pe zi, pe stomacul gol, cu 15-20 de minute înaintea mesei.
Copii sub 14 ani: după sfatul medicului.
Se recomandă utilizarea în cure succesive, de 3 luni, cu o lună pauză între ele. Pe perioada pauzei, se recomandă a se realiza o cură de detoxifiere cu BIOZHEOLYTH comprimate (câte 1 comprimat de 3 ori pe zi, administrat înaintea mesei) și DETOXIFIANT tinctura (câte o linguriță de tinctură, diluată în 100ml de apă, de 3 ori pe zi, administrată înaintea mesei). Pentru persoanele care au contraindicație la alcool, se recomandă administrarea produsului DETOXIFIANT comprimate (câte 1 comprimat de 3 ori pe zi, administrat înaintea mesei).
Comprimatele se înghit cu apă sau se sfărâmă în gură (absorbția substanțelor bioactive este mult mai rapidă). În caz de dificultate la înghițire, comprimatele se pot rupe în două.
150 comprimate
See product Description
Adults: In the first week, take 1 tablet three times a day, on an empty stomach, 15-20 minutes before a meal.
From the second week, take 2 tablets 3 times a day, on the empty stomach, 15-20 minutes before the meal. People weighing over 80 kg can increase the dose to 8 tablets a day (2 tablets 4 times a day).
Teenagers between 15 and 18: 1 tablet 3 times a day, on the empty stomach, 15-20 minutes before the meal.
Children under 14: after doctor’s advice.
It is recommended to use in successive cures, 3 months, with one month break between them. During the break, it is recommended to perform a detoxification cure
Autoimmune diseases, organ transplant, pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergy to any of the components of the product.
Why Citonat?
A complex recipe, created and scientifically tested by phytotherapy specialists
It is based on an original formula, concentrated for an immediate and lasting effect
It does not contain starch, gluten, sugar
Approved and endorsed by the National Institute of Bioresources Development Development Research (INCDBA)
CORDYCEPS (Cordyceps sinensis) – 200mg – 20% extract in polysaccharides
Cordyceps sinensis is an Ascomycetes class mushroom growing in China, Nepal and Tibet. Its composition includes cordycepin, ergosterol, alkenoic acids, nucleosides, sterols and polysaccharides, bioactive substances with strong antitumoral action and immunostimulant, which induce apoptosis of tumour cells, thus inhibiting tumor growth. Also, the fungus is a powerful immunostimulant: it increases the number of NK cells (natural killer), stimulates interferon-γ secretion, tumor necrosis factor TNF-α and interleukin-1. Cordyceps also has antiarrhythmic, hypotensive, antioxidant and antimalaric action.
GANODERMA (Ganoderma lucidum) – 200mg – 21% extract in polysaccharides
Ganoderma is a fungus of the Basidiomycetes class and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 4,000 years to treat immune deficiency, cancer, hepatic, circulatory, and longevity diseases. Its composition includes: triterpenic lanostanis (ganoderic γ-θ acids from spores, AZ ganoderic acids, AN acidic acids, ganoderic alcohols and mycelial AC alkaline aldehydes), organic germanium and polysaccharides, bioactive substances with anti-tumor, antiandrogenic and immunomodulating properties inhibits tumor growth and metastasis (by inducing tumor cell apoptosis and inhibiting angiogenesis), stimulates the secretion of interferon, interleukin-1 and interleukin-2, produces androgen receptor blockade and inhibits 5-α-reductase, the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone , involved in the pathogenesis of prostate tumors. Ganoderma also has hepatoprotective, antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-allergic, hypoglycemic, lipid-lowering, anti-inflammatory and analgesic action.
AGARICUS (Agaricus blazei) – 100mg – 23% extract in polysaccharides
Agaricus blazei is part of the Basidiomycetes class, being a native Brazilian mushroom. The first historical description of the therapeutic uses of mushrooms of the genus Agaricus appears in the Byzantine medical treatises, dating back to the 4th-15th centuries. Ch., Which mentions their use for the treatment of malignant laryngeal ulcers. This plant was grown widely in Japan, with Japanese researchers discovering its highly immunostimulant and anti-tumor properties. In the chemical composition of the plant were identified: polysaccharides (α-1,4-D-glucan, β-1,3-D-glucan), steroids (ergosterol, blazeina) , proteoglucans, riboglucans and amino acids, bioactive substances that stimulate the secretion of interferon, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interleukin-8, B lymphocytes, natural killer NK cells, suppressor T cells and macrophages; also exhibit antitumour action (produce apoptosis of tumor cells and inhibit angiogenesis), antimutagen and antioxidant. Agaricus also has antiviral, hypocolesterolemitic, hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic and hypotensive action.
ASHWAGANDHA (Withania somnifera) – 100mg
Also called ” Indian Ginseng ”, ashwagandha is a perennial shrub growing in India, the Middle East and Africa. In Ayurvedic medicine, it has been used for more than 3000 years due to its diuretic, aphrodisiac and rejuvenating properties. The main components responsible for the plant’s pharmacological action are the cannabinoids (especially apoferin A), bioactive substances with antitumour action that produce apoptosis of tumor cells and inhibition of the B cell nuclear factor (transcription factor associated with oncogenesis). Research has shown that ashwagandha inhibits angiogenesis, reduces the adverse effects of classical cytostatics (myelosuppression and leucopenia) by increasing hematopoiesis, and also radioprotective action. The plant also has the following effects: anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, antidepressant, anxiolytic, sedative, hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic, diuretic, aphrodisiac, improves memory and concentration, increases body resistance.
ASTRAGALUS (Astragalus membranaceus) – 100mg – 10: 1 hydroalcoholic extract
Astragalus is a herb used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years to regenerate the body and stimulate the immune system. The triterpene saponins (Astragalozides I-VIII and Astramembranins I-II), polysaccharides (A, B and C astraglucans, Astragalans I, II and III), bassorin and tragacanthin, bioactive substances that increase immunity by stimulation interferon secretion, macrophages, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor, and increased number of natural killer (NK) cells. Astragalus reduces mutagenesis, inhibits tumor growth and diminishes the side effects of chemotherapy
OLDENLANDIA (Oldenlandia diffusa) – 100mg – 5: 1 hydroalcoholic extract
Oldenlandia is a native plant in China where it is used to treat cancer, hepatitis and snake bites. The pharmacological action of the plant is attributed to the following components: asperuloside, 3-methylantraquinones, p-cumarylcandoside methyl ester, flavonosides (quercetin and kaempferol glucosides) and triterpene acids (ursolic and oleanolic). The plant produces tumor cell apoptosis and tumor remission, being recommended in tumors with different localizations (especially digestive tract, lung, lymphosarcoma, laryngeal and hepatic carcinoma). Oldenlandia also has diuretic and stimulant action in blood circulation.
ROSTOPASCA (Chelidonium majus) – 100mg – Hydroalcoholic extract 5: 1
Used since antiquity, celandine is a highly active plant due to its composition rich in chelidonine, homochelidonine and sanguinarine, alkaloids with colchicin-like cytostatic action, which give it great therapeutic efficacy. The alkaloid complex also exhibits colorectal, hepatoprotective, antispasmodic and analgesic effects which allow the spectrum of action and the administration of the plant to hepatobiliary disorders as well as tumors with various localizations.
GOJI (Lycium barbarum) – 50mg – extract 42% in polysaccharides
Goji is the fruit of Lycium barbarum, originally from Asia, where it has been used for more than 2,000 years in the therapy of various diseases. The plant presents antitumoral action by stopping the cell division in the S phase of the cell cycle and by inducing tumor cell apoptosis, following studies on Lycium barbarum extract, observing tumor regression. The main bioactive substances responsible for the therapeutic effect are scopoletin, which inhibits cellular proliferation and polysaccharides, antitumoral and immunomodulating components. The plant also has vitamin C, antioxidant, hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, antimicrobial and hepatoprotective effects.
THE WOOD OF THE LORD (Artemisia abrotanum) – 50mg
Wood-Lord is a semi-spark of Mediterranean origin, with a strong aroma and pleasant smell, used since the Romans. The plant contains volatile oils (consisting of eucalyptol), coumarins (isofraxidinoside and umbeliferone), flavones, alkaloids and bitter substances, active principles with bitter tonic, antiseptic, analgesic, choleretic, diuretic and depurative action.