Vitamin Supplements Facts


Eating nutritious and well balanced meals is a great way to reachn the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of nutrients our bodies need. But with today’s hectic lifestyles, we often find ourselves eating on the run, and we all know fast food is not a healthy choice. Most fast food products are fat and lack the necessary nutrients needed to stay healthy. It’s not surprising that most people rely on vitamin supplements to help fill the gaps.
Below are 7 nutrients most people fail to get enough of thru their diets alone:

fast food

1. Magnesium: low levels of magnesium have been associated with osteoporosis, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.

2. Vitamin A: there are two types of vitamin A, carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, and retinol. Beta-carotene is essential for good eyes, healthy eye tissues and immunity.

3. Potassium: known to lower blood pressure. Potassium supports muscle and nerve function and also fertility. Potassium can be found in many foods, but sometimes it needs to be supplemented.

4. Vitamin E: an antioxidant, important to immunity. Vitamin E has what is considered healthy fat, mostly found in nuts and oils, and also peanut butter.
5. Calcium: most people know that calcium is good for strong bones, but calcium also helps maintain heart and muscle function, and even help prevent high blood pressure.
6. Fiber: helps bowel regularity and lower cholesterol. High fiber foods are filling and low in calories, which is great for people trying to lose weight.
7. Vitamin C: while vitamin c may not cure or prevent a common cold, studies show it does shorten the duration of symptoms associated with the common cold.
Supplementing our diets with vitamins assures us of getting the nutrients we need. Many people assume that since vitamins are an important factor to good health, it’s safe to consume more than the recommended dosage, but many supplements taken in excess can be extremely dangerous.
How do you know if you are suffering from vitamin deficiency or could you be running the risk of vitamin overdose?
Daily Allowance and Regulations
The Institute of Medicine has established some guidelines to help understand the minimum and maximum doses of vitamin supplements;
• The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) and Allowable Intake (AL) is the minimum amount of vitamins required to avoid vitamin deficiency.
• The UL (Tolerable Upper Intake Level) is the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals you can safely take without risking serious side effects or even overdose.
• The FDA uses a different measurement for nutritional intake.
• The DV (Daily Value) is the measurement you’ll find on supplement labels. That number represents the amount of a vitamin or supplement a person needs for optimum health, based on a (2,000) calorie a day diet.
The RDA and DV guidelines may not be exact, but both are designed as guidelines to help us get the nutrition we need to avoid disease and problems caused by malnutrition.
How do you know when it’s safe to take more than the RDA and DV recommends? A good rule is to look at the UL (tolerable intake level). Many times you can take a higher dosage than RDA and DV guidelines suggest, without going over the UL limit. Not every supplement will have a UL label.
The Government has yet to set limits on all vitamins. Many vitamins are without UL, RDA, and DV labels because experts don’t really know the minimum and maximum amounts that can safely be taken without side effects. A complete list of RDA, UL, and DV guidelines set by the Government can be found through The Office of Dietary Supplements . Some combinations of vitamins and daily medications can be extremely dangerous. Always consult your health care provider before taking vitamin supplements.

Benefits of the CBD Essential Oil


CBD Essential Oil Turmeric – Natural Remedy for Bell’s Patsyhas many beneficial properties. Even if the UK is still far from acknowledging the medical properties of CBD, it is fully legal as a food supplement. All the conclusions of this article are from the US and EU researchers. The product has not been researched for medical purposes in the UK.benefits of cannabidiol
CBD essential oil

The essential cannabis oil is one of the less known food supplements that we promote and recommend. Its less good name is owned by the plant from which it is obtained. Cannabis and hemp were used for a long time as a spontaneously grown plant. The relationship between benefits and name was broken when it started to be used as a drug. any people look only for the hallucinogen properties of the plant. It is why the authorities also forbid or misunderstand other cannabinoid products, such as CBD.

The essential Cannabis oil is a green liquid. It is highly volatile, with strong components. It contains monoterpene, sesquiterpene and other active composites. The essential oils are popular in France. In the United Kingdom, the CBD essential oils were only recently introduced.

Besides the medical applications of hemp, it is used for perfumes, soaps or candles, and also for baking. It is very strong, so a few drops are enough for a long-lasting effect.
Benefits of CBD essential oil
Against anxiety and stress: one of the most known and popular usages of cannabis oil is to ameliorate stress. Natural composites of CBD help it to release the pleasure hormones. It relaxes the muscles and treats <a href=””>sleeping problems</a>.
Increases the appetite: the extra boost of energy is consumed and transformed in appetite. The essential cannabis oil will allow the digestive system to function better.
There are only a few trusted online shops where you can buy CBD food supplements and CBD essential oil fully approved in the UK. Make sure you are buying only from approved CBD retailers and that CBD is used only as a food supplement.

Homoeopathic Remedies for Lupus Symptoms


Lupus is an inflammatory and chronic disease that occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the tissue and organs in the body. The inflammation associated with lupus can affect many different parts of the body, including the skin, joints, kidneys, blood cells, lungs and the heart. Lupus is more common with women but can affect both males and females. There are four types of lupus. This includes systemic lupus erythematosus, drug induced lupus, neonatal lupus and discoid lupus erythematosus.

Rhus Toxicodendron lupus treatment

Lupus is a severe medical condition, and there is no cure for lupus. However, medical treatments can be used to improve the health and relieve and improve the symptoms associated with it. Although homoeopathy should never be used in place of any medical treatments for lupus, it can be used in addition to these medical treatments to help improve the condition and its symptoms.

Rhus Toxicodendron and Belladonna for Lupus

Rhus Toxicodendron is a homoeopathic remedy that should be taken by those with lupus symptoms that tend to worsen with cold weather and when inactive for hours at a time during the day. People living with Lupus who will benefit from this homoeopathic treatment tend to have a stiffness that affects the joints that feel relief with warm applications and light activity. Consult your doctor before taking such treatment.


Belladonna is suggested for those with lupus that causes the bones to become red with a burning like pain. Those who will benefit from this homoeopathic treatment tend to have joint pain that worsens with movement.

Sulphur and Arsenicum Album for Lupus

Sulphur is a homoeopathic medicine that should be taken by those with lupus that is accompanied by a burning pain that feels relief with cold applications. People living with Lupus who will benefit from this homoeopathic treatment tend to get overheated easily and crave cold drinks.

Arsenicum album may be taken by those with lupus that is characterised by a burning pain in the joints that feels relieved with warm applications. Those who will benefit from this homoeopathic treatment tend to feel anxious and restless.

Homoeopathic medicines should never be used in place of any current prescription drugs or treatments that are being used for lupus. Since lupus is a severe medical condition, it is best to see a licensed homoeopath to select the best homoeopathic medicines for an individuals condition and symptoms.


Homoeopathic Remedies for Memory Problems


Memory problems are widespread, especially as people age. Memory can fail anyone at any point, and memory problems affect everyone at some point, whether the memory problems are caused by normal ageing, or by something else. Although memory problems aren’t usually something to be concerned about, sometimes they can be, especially for memory problems not related to the ageing process. Memory problems that are long term and have a cause that is unknown should always be looked into by a doctor. Sometimes memory problems are due to an underlying condition, and sometimes the underlying condition can be quite serious.

Although homoeopathic remedies should not be used in place of medical attention, or any medications or prescription drugs being taken, it can be used in addition to these medical treatments. Homoeopathic remedies should be selected based on the type of memory problem, as well as any accompanying symptoms. Just choose the homoeopathic remedy below with the description that best matches the individual’s condition.

Alumina and Kali Phosphoric for Memory Problems

Alumina is a homoeopathic medicine that may help with memory problems. Alumina works best to help those who tend to become often confused and have general memory impairment. Those who will benefit from this homoeopathic treatment usually suffer from constipation as well.

The homoeopathic remedy kali phosphoric can also help with memory problems, but it should only be taken by those that have mental fatigue as well.


Lycopodium and Sulphur for Memory Problems

Lycopodium is a homoeopathic remedy that can help those with memory problems who experience fear or anxiety and tend to have problems recalling certain words. Those who will benefit from this homoeopathic treatment may also have digestive problems, mainly bloating and gas.

Sulphur can help those with memory problems that struggle to recall certain names and tend to improve after getting rest during the day. Those who will benefit from this homoeopathic treatment tend to crave cold drinks.

Memory problems are a normal part of ageing, but sometimes can be a sign of something serious, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Seek out medical attention to find any underlying causes of memory problems. For those taking any prescription drugs, homoeopathic remedies should not be used to replace these medications. Homoeopathic remedies can, however, be used in addition to any medical treatments for better results.

Natural Remedies for PMS – Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms


Women will suffer from symptoms associated with premenstrual syndromes at some point in their lives, such as painful periods, at some point. Thankfully, women can now choose from a whole range of treatments available, rather than just rely on painkillers, including natural remedies for PMS.

Natural Remedies for PMS

Clinical trials have shown that a good PMS treatment programme should include vitamin B6, vitamin E, magnesium and omega-6. Several studies have found that B6 works with certain brain chemicals to control mood and behaviour. Vitamin E may help with sore breasts that often accompany menstruation and help with irritability and moods.

However, remember that any treatment comes with side effects. Women experience mood swings and breast tenderness during their menstrual cycle, so it is better to consult your doctor before deciding on natural remedies for PMS.

natural remedies for pms

Magnesium is another aid for PMS symptoms. It is a natural tranquillizer so can help relieve anxiety and tension. It is more effective if taken along with B6. Omega-6 essential fatty acids can also be helpful. The body converts omega-6 into GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) which is found in plants including evening primrose and borage. Studies have shown women who suffer severe PMS have trouble converting omega 6 to GLA. Taking evening primrose oil can help with this.

Natural Herbal Remedies for PMS

The herb Agnus castus has been studied for its abilities to help with symptoms of PMS and has been found to be very useful as it rebalances hormones by working with the pituitary gland. However, this should not be taken by anyone who is on the contraceptive pill, fertility drugs, HRT or any other hormone medication without guidance from a qualified practitioner.

natural remedies PMS pains

Diet and PMS

Diet and exercise play an important role here too. Eating well and exercising regularly helps the body to function properly and produce just the right amount of hormones. Plenty of fruit and vegetables are important along with complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, whole grain pasta or whole grain bread. Eating phytoestrogens are important too and these include beans, chickpeas, lentils and soya produce. Nuts, seeds and oily fish will ensure a good intake of healthy fat.

natural remedies treat PMS pain

Reducing intake of highly processed and refined foods along with sugar and artificial sweeteners will help the body regain its natural equilibrium. The body also needs water to help with elimination so don’t forget to drink. Hydration is particularly important at this time of the month as the body is losing fluids. Remember that tea and coffee are both dehydrating.

Health Benefits of Honey, Propolis, Royal Jelly


Propolis is a sticky resin which is yellow-brown and is made by some species of bees, consists of a mixture of wax and tree sap. While bees use propolis to repair any cracks in the hive, humans can benefit from its healing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. As identified by Brewer  in The Essential Guide to Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Supplements, propolis has the following health benefits and usages:

  • antiseptic
  • hastens wound healing
  • overcomes sore throats
  • boosts energy levels
  • treats stomach ulcers
  • overcomes skin, ear, nose and mouth infections
  • helps relieve sinus infections
  • increases immunity against winter colds and influenza
  • contains anti-cancer properties

What is Royal Jelly?

Royal jelly, which is sometimes known as bee’s milk, contains a whole range of nutritious elements, such as A, B, C, D and E vitamins, amino acids and minerals. According to Brewer, royal jelly has several health benefits, which include:

medical honey

  • boosts energy levels
  • combats stress
  • mental alertness
  • fights fatigue
  • battles insomnia
  • increases feelings of well-being
  • increases vitality
  • improves complexion
  • maintains healthy skin, hair and nails
  • improves many menopausal symptoms
  • helps lower blood fats

honey benefits

Health Benefits of Medicinal Honey

Honey has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, with many current sore throats

Over-The-Counter remedies are also containing this ingredient. In particular, the famous New Zealand Manuka honey is recognised to include a potent antimicrobial agent. As identified by Brewer, medicinal honey which has been specially developed for clinical use (such as Medihoney) has the following properties:

  • rapidly clears the infection
  • reduces inflammation
  • provides an antibacterial barrier
  • creates a moist healing environment
  • allows easy removal of dressings
  • quickly neutralises wound odours (within 24 hours)

Also, medicinal honey boasts an exceptional antibacterial property, helping protect against over 250 different forms of bacteria. It is especially useful for those who are frequently admitted to the hospital, with medicinal honey being able to protect against the hospital “superbug” MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), which is currently antibiotic-resistant.

As highlighted above, bee products have a range of health benefits, which include royal jelly, medicinal honey and propolis. However, those who suffer from allergies should avoid using propolis or royal jelly, as these may trigger an allergic reaction.

Different types of honey

There are different types of benefits of honey, considering the nature of flowers used by bees for pollination. Raw phoney has more benefits, but it is harder to find. However, many publications see it as a wonder cure for many diseases, and this is wrong. However, it is a source of natural sweeteners and can reduce blood sugar levels if consumed smartly.

Turmeric – Natural Remedy for Bell’s Patsy


Bell’s palsy describes any paralysis of facial control that cannot be attributed to a specific disease or condition. Brain tumours, stroke and Lyme disease can cause facial paralysis to some extent. But Bell’s palsy appears also with no apparent cause. The facial nerve comes down through a narrow channel under each ear. If the nerve becomes swollen, the narrow channel can restrict the functionality of the nerves, causing paralysis. Some studies find that it is in reaction to an unknown infection or a recurrence of certain diseases. It is probably being applied to multiple conditions that have not yet been identified.

CBD & Turmeric for Bell’s Patsy

CBD is only a food supplement in the UK, just like the extracts of turmeric or Curcuma longa. Naturmedies identified a series of food supplements people say might help with inflammatory diseases. However, remember that we are only talking about food supplements, therefore you should consult your doctor for prescription medication, and take these food supplements only if he allows.

Original price was: £5.00.Current price is: £4.54.

Symptoms of Bell’s Palsy

The symptoms of Bell’s palsy are quite telling though. The facial nerve affects the ability to smile, blink the eyes, frown, and salivate. When affected, the person often cannot close their eyes completely. The eye can become dry and needs to be protected. The side of the face that is affected appears to droop due to the lack of muscle control. Some people experience a spontaneous relief of symptoms and regain normal control within a couple of weeks. But many others are not so lucky. The effects can be long-lasting or permanent in some cases.

Medical Remedies

Medical remedies for Bell’s Palsy has to be seen by a doctor as soon as the patient assumes he or she suffers from this condition. Some doctors treat the system with anti-viral and anti-inflammatory remedies. The idea is to try to ferret out any viral infections that may be causing it. They also want to reduce the nerve swelling to improve signal strength. These solutions can be effective for some people, especially if the patients change their lifestyle and add some food supplements to their diet.

Natural Remedy for Bell’s Palsy

Natural remedies are available to ease Bell’s palsy. Reduction of nerve swelling is important for long-term healing. The Nerve Support natural remedy by Traditional Tibetan Healing is ideal for accomplishing this. It helps increase energy circulation to the nerves while reducing the inflammation. This natural remedy is a non-invasive but effective treatment for many nerve issues. It helps with symptoms caused by arthritis, gout, and joint stiffness. All of this is based on the centuries-old knowledge of traditional Tibetan medicine. Naturemedies recently introduced a new category of food supplements, adding the power of Turmeric to one of the less known natural remedies we already used our clients in the past.

New Food Supplement Solutions – Walmark UK


Walmark UK  is the food supplement manufacturer with the most rapid development in pharmacy from Central and Eastern Europe. We promote innovations and offer our consumers the best choices for a healthy life.

Walmark operates through branches in 9 East and Central European countries but being present on other 24 other national markets.

The investments of the company are concentrated on improving and expanding the portfolio of products, with the final goal of promoting healthy habits and natural supplements.

Walmark UK

Walmark EU Vision

Walmark is one of the companies with the fastest growth in the pharmaceutical industry from Central and Eastern Europe. By promoting innovations, we offer our consumers the best choices for a healthy life.

As a leader on the market of food supplements, people at Walmark are aware of the responsibility they have in the community. The company promotes a healthy lifestyle through the projects and products that they offer.

As a leader in Eastern Europe food supplements industry, Walmark takes its community responsibilities seriously, and they make the difference when it comes to health initiatives.


Walmark started in 1991 as a non-alcoholic and agricultural products wholesaler but soon founded the Pharmaceutical division in 1993. First food supplements under the brand Walmark UK were launched in 1994, and by 1997, the company had other two branches opened in Romania and Bulgaria. In 2006, Walmark was recognized as a leader in the food supplements industry in Eastern and Central Europe.

In the UK, Walmark products are not as popular as they deserve. The changing preferences of consumers towards natural remedies for minor alignments and the quality of the products they offer convinced many people to search the Wallmark brand, especially only where it is easier to buy like in the online shops.

Naturemedies and Walmark UK

One of the most popular natural solutions that can be a solution at the same time with the medical treatment for cystitis or other vaginal problems is the Urinal gamma from Walmark, an effective solution for track disorders for adults and children.

Walmark UK Supplements

With the power of cranberries, Walmark Urinal makes the best supplements for removing the limitations on your activities. Walmark Urinal sachets, syrups, and veggie caps are extracted with the latest technologies, releasing the power of proanthocyanidins.

Walmark Urinal gamma allows customers to choose their preferred administration method. Choose Urinal Drink 12 sachets if you would like a hot delicious drink with therapeutic effects for the genital area but not only. If you would like a long-term treatment, you can start treatment with Walmark Urinal 60 veggie caps, as it also offers a part of the daily necessities of Vitamin D and Solidago Virgaurea, 57.300 mg cranberry equivalent.

Walmark products are safe both for men and women, and there are no known side effects of these natural extract supplements. Feel free the options that we offer. Keep an eye on Naturemdies, as we always find new and less known natural remedies in the UK, but which are known to work for decades in other parts of the world. Walmark UK is a brand that we proudly represent.

At Naturemedies, all our products come with translated leaflets provided both online or offline, and also we label our products according to UK laws. Feel free to check other fertility and sexual health natural supplements that we offer, and if your basket is worth more than £25 in Uk and £35 in EU, we offer free delivery!

Check our bestsellers from Walmark!

Original price was: £13.00.Current price is: £10.89.
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Original price was: £14.00.Current price is: £10.89.

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Check the complete gamma of Naturemedies products – the perfect shop for lesser-known food supplements in the UK – just like you are buying from your local health shop – fast delivery anywhere in the UK and EU.

Natural Fertility Tricks, Tips and Supplements


Another month passes and you end up with the same question: ‘Why can’t I get pregnant? After ovulation kits, calendars, lubes and …stress, if you don’t see any improvements and you are not ready to seek medical help, here are some natural remedies and easy solutions that may help you to conceive.

Studies concluded that 20% of couples are not able to conceive during a year. Even if the rate of success is pretty high, the rate of infertility raises especially in developed areas; therefore it is one of the major problems in UK as well. Even if NHS and private clinics may help couples looking for the best way to get pregnant, natural remedies approved by your GP can only help.

Fertility problems
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5 Reasons to Take Vitamin C Supplements



Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is needed by the body for hundreds of different metabolic functions, and it plays a central role in supporting many aspects of well-being. Although a healthy diet should be the foundation of good nutrition, supplementing with vitamin C is a great way to ensure that you are getting enough. Also, as a water-soluble vitamin and antioxidant, there is no danger of over-dosing from vitamin C supplements — as the body naturally excretes what it doesn’t require.

Learn about the many faces of this nutrient: an anti-aging supplement, a vitamin for heart health, an immune boosting nutrient, a vitamin for healthy skin, and for healthy gums.

An Anti-Aging Supplement

Why are vitamin C supplements beneficial for delaying the effects of the aging process? This nutrient acts as an antioxidant. It helps to neutralize the negative effects of reactive oxygen and nitrogen radicals in the body, thus protecting cells from damage and even decreasing the likeliness of chronic diseases such as cancer.

Working synergistically with other nutrient antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and vitamin E, vitamin C is an even more powerful anti-aging supplement. According to Phyllis Balch’s Prescription for Nutritional Healing, a study showed that people who took vitamin E and vitamin C supplements together over a long period of time had significantly higher cognitive abilities in older age.

An Important Vitamin for Heart Health

Ascorbic acid is also an important vitamin for heart health. It acts to lower levels of LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoproteins, also known as the bad cholesterol). While at the same time it improves levels of good, HDL cholesterol. As an antioxidant, vitamin C prevents oxidation, and therefore the hardening of cholesterol in the arteries, thus preventing atherosclerosis and reducing high blood pressure. Vitamin C is also good for heart health as it strengthens capillary walls.

Boost Immune Health with Vitamin C Supplements

Taking vitamin C will boost immune health and help the body recover from infections. How? This nutrient increases the activity of white blood cells, which help to ward off dangerous pathogens. It also increases production of the anti-stress hormone, interferon, which heightens the level of antibodies in the bloodstream. Taking vitamin C supplements can also help to protect the body from the negative effects of pollution.

The Benefits of Taking Vitamin C for the Skin

As the body ages, skin sags and weakens and sun exposure leads to an increased amount of free radical damage to skin cells. Vitamin C is beneficial for the skin, helping to address these problems. This nutrient is needed for the production of collagen, which is found in skin tissue, as well as tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Adequate amounts of collagen translate into stronger skin. Ascorbic acid is also needed for new tissue regeneration. As an antioxidant, it helps to combat the free radical damage from the sun.

Supplement with Vitamin C for Healthy Gums

This nutrient is so important for healthy gums. In fact, taking vitamin C supplements is a great way to help treat bleeding gums and a receding gum line naturally. According to the American Academy of Peridontology, people who consume less than 60 mg a day of vitamin C are one and one-half times more likely to develop gingivitis than people who consume 180 mg per day. Improving healing, strengthening connective tissue, and acting as a protective antioxidant, vitamin C is even good for a healthy mouth.

The Right Vitamin C Supplements

So taking vitamin C supplements is a good idea, but what are the best nutritional supplements to take? The natural ones. Look for products that have natural sources of ascorbic acid such as rose hips, berry extracts, and citrus. This is so important because synthetic vitamin C is not going to have the remarkable positive healing effect that ascorbic acid, naturally occurring with bioflavonoids and other beneficial phytochemicals, will have.

How much to take? The body is only going to absorb between 250 and 500 mg at one time. Adding this amount to a healthy diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables will supply more than adequate amounts for the anti-aging, heart health, immune boosting, healthy skin and gums benefits of vitamin C.