Tantum Verde UK Spray 1.5mg/30ml Leaflet
Pentru: Tantum Verde nu trebuie administrat copiilor mici ÅŸi persoanelor care nu au control asupra reflexului de
înghiţire, deoarece administrarea soluţiei poate duce la sufocare. Vezi prospect.
Utilizat pentru: tratamentul antiinflamator şi analgezic al afecţiunilor inflamatorii ale mucoasei oro-faringiene (stomatite, faringite) şi ale gingiilor.
Afectiuni: afectiuni inflamatorii ale mucoasei oro-faringiene (stomatite, faringite) ÅŸi ale gingiilor, inclusiv dupa extractii dentare.
Clorhidrat de benzidamina 0.3 gr si excipienti.
Mod de administrare:
2 pana la 4 doze de 2-6 ori zilnic.
Hipersensibilitate la compusi si excipienti.
Utilizarea indelungata poate produce fenomene de sensibilizare.
ABOUT Tantum Verde UK Spray 1.5mg/30ml:
Tantum Verde Forte spray trateaza problemele inflamatorii de la nivelul gatului si gurii, cauzate de infectii de tipul faringitelor ori stomatitelor.
Ce este Tantum Verde Forte şi pentru ce se utilizează
Tantum Verde Forte, este un medicament antiinflamator nesteroidian cu proprietaţi analgezice, iar când este administrat local are de asemenea şi acţiune dezinfectantă şi anestezică.
Tantum Verde Forte conţine ca substanţă activă benzidamina, care inhibă inflamaţia şi reduce durerea prin absorbţie şi acumulare locală în ţesuturile inflamate.
Tantum verde este unul dintre cele mai populare produse pentru calmarea dureryy de gat (sore throat). Este cumparat de catre clientii nostri romani, dar si de cei polonezi si din UK. Acum, produsul este disponibil si in UK prin Naturemedies.
Acest medicament se elibereaza fara reteta. Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie prospectul si contraindicatiile, precum si efectele adverse pe care le poate produce. Va rugam sa nu luati suplimente alimentare si medicamente OTC fara a consulta medicul dumneavoastra in prealabil.
Ten lek jest dostępny bez recepty. Prosimy o uważne zapoznanie się z ulotką dołączoną do opakowania i przeciwwskazaniami, a także działaniami niepożądanymi, jakie może powodować. Nie należy przyjmować suplementów diety i leków OTC bez uprzedniej konsultacji z lekarzem.
For: Tantum Verde should not be used in young children and people who have no control over their reflex
swallowing, as administration of the solution may lead to suffocation. See leaflet.
Used for: anti-inflammatory and analgesic treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oropharyngeal mucosa (stomatitis, pharyngitis) and gums.
Diseases: inflammatory conditions of the oropharyngeal mucosa (stomatitis, pharyngitis) and gums, including after tooth extractions.
Benzidamine hydrochloride 0.3 gr and excipients.
How to administer:
2 to 4 doses 2-6 times daily.
Hypersensitivity to compounds and excipients.
Prolonged use may cause sensitization.
ABOUT Tantum Green UK Spray 1.5mg / 30ml:
Tantum Verde Forte spray treats inflammatory problems in the throat and mouth, caused by infections such as pharyngitis or stomatitis.
What Tantum Verde Forte is and what it is used for
Tantum Verde Forte is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with analgesic properties, and when administered topically it also has a disinfectant and anaesthetic action.
Tantum Verde Forte contains benzidamine as an active substance, which inhibits inflammation and reduces pain by absorption and local accumulation in inflamed tissues.
Tantum green is one of the most popular products for soothing throat (sore throat). It is bought by our Romanian clients, but also by the Polish and UK ones. Now, the product is also available in the UK through Naturemedies.
& nbsp;
This medicine is available without a prescription. Please read the package leaflet carefully and its contraindications, as well as the side effects it may cause. Please do not take food supplements and OTC medicines without consulting your doctor first.
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