Tinctura de IENUPAR 200 ml, Terra Med Plant UK
– afectiuni urinare/renale
– dezinfectant al aparatului urinar si renal
– cistite
– ajuta in caz de dereglari hormonale
– ajuta la digeste normala/sanatoasa
– eliminarea lichidelor retinute in exces in organism
– detoxifierea tractului urinar
– stimuleaza pofta de mancare
– favorizeaza activarea secretiilor sucurilor gastro-intestinale
– mentinerea sanatatii rinichilor si a cailor urinare
Solutie hidroetanolica (raport alcool etilic 96% apa 1:3) fructe de IENUPAR (Juniperus communis)-30%; Conc alc. 26% v/v
Nerecomandat persoanelor carora le este interzis / limitat consumul de alcool.
Contraindicat in caz de afectiuni renale inflamatorii (insuficienta renala); A se utiliza cu prudenta in caz de hiperglicemie, hipokaliemie.
Contraindicat persoanelor cu hipersensibilitate la oricare dintre ingredientele produsului.
Mod de utilizare
Tinctura de IENUPAR este un supliment alimentar
Cate 1 lingură de tinctura de 3 ori pe zi, cu 30 minute inainte de masa. Se poare diluata in ceai.
Juniper tincture 200 ml, Terra Med Plant UK
– urinary/kidney disorders
– disinfectant of the urinary and renal system
– cystitis
– helps in case of hormonal disorders
– helps with normal/healthy digestion
– elimination of excess fluids retained in the body
– detoxification of the urinary tract
– stimulates the appetite
– favors the activation of the secretions of gastrointestinal juices
– maintaining the health of the kidneys and urinary tract
Hydroethanolic solution (ethyl alcohol ratio 96% water 1:3) juniper fruit (Juniperus communis)-30%; Conc alc. 26% v/v
Not recommended for people who are forbidden/limited to drink alcohol.
Contraindicated in case of inflammatory kidney diseases (renal failure); To be used with caution in case of hyperglycemia, and hypokalemia.
Contraindicated to people with hypersensitivity to any of the product’s ingredients.
How to use:
JENUPAR tincture is a dietary supplement
1 tablespoon of the tincture 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. It can be diluted in tea.
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