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Natural Remedies Blog with less known food supplements

capsules from all over the world. Branca Ursului, Walmark Europe, Natural Viagra and other food supplements online in the UK.

We recommend only approved UK food supplements, without significant side effects. We label them according to the Uk laws and make sure our customers receive the best service. Fast delivery, free shipping* and the warranty that you are buying quality products!

We know the products we are promoting as we tried and tested them. We are sure they have beneficial effects on your wellbeing. However, they are only food supplements and they should not replace an equilibrated diet!

Naturemedies UK – Farmacia ta din UK

Oferim produse romanesti pentru clientii nostri Romani, dar incercam sa le facem cunoscute si clientilor de alta nationalitate din Anglia. Dorim sa facem cunoscute produsele naturiste romanesti in Anglia si EU. Din aceasta cauza, oferim transport gratuit pentru comenzi mai mari de £25 in Uk si £35 in EU!

What is L-Carnitine?


In the living cells, L-Carnitine is necessary for the transport of fat amino-acids while the fats are burned to create metabolic energy.

Where can we find Carnitine naturally?

Red meat and dairy products are the best natural sources of L-Carnitine, lamb meat being considered the richest. Chicken and fish meat also contain carnitine. For vegans and vegetarians, peanut butter, avocado and pumpkin seeds are recommended. For increased athletic performance, you can begin treatment with L-Carnitine supplements.

L-Carnitine: From Its Discovery to Today

L-Carnitine is one of the most popular sportive supplements, used by athletes to prevent and treat a series of affections. This amino acid is synthesized at the level of the liver and kidneys, but also in some plants such as soy, but in reduced quantities. Buy it now from one of our trusted partners.

Carnitine has been isolated in red meat since the beginning of the 20th century. Later, it was possible to synthesize the acid in a laboratory. Its role in the organism was clearly understood during the ’70s, when it was introduced as a food supplement. Recently, it is also a nutritive supplement, being used in the world of sport. It is considered one of the most effective substances to reduce adipose tissues.
In medicine, carnitine is used for its effects to protect the heart, and also for its beneficial influence on the lipidic processes – it reduces triglycerides and increases the level of HDL. It also has antioxidant effects.

What is L-Carnitine: L-Carnitine as a fat burner

The main mechanism of L-Carnitine is to burn fats. All tissues with the exception of the brain need fatty acids to burn in order to produce energy. In the muscles of the heart, it has a major contribution to its well functioning.
The L in front of ‘Carnitine’ refers to the chemical polarity of the substance. It was used as an adjuvant treatment for cardiovascular diseases and to prevent heart attacks.

Clotrimazole Review – The Most Trusted Skin Aid


The fungal infections, also known as mycosis, is one of the biggest problems for people that walk a lot every day. Most infections occur on the skin, on nails and at the base of the hair. Fungal infections may be dangerous if not treated in time, with substantial adverse effects not only locally, but also on the entire immune system.

One of the most effective substances to treat this problem is clotrimazole. It has proven effects and almost none secondary effects. It is included on the list of essential medicine by the World Health Organization. It has a primary action against fungi, and there are rare fungus-resistant cases to clotrimazole.

Clotrimazole – presentation and use

Clotrimazole comes in the form of cream, gel, powder, solution or vaginal tablets.

Its use is only external. Be aware that oral consumption is hazardous! Products made with Clotrimazole fight against fungi by destroying its cell membranes. This property causes the death of fungi, as the layers are used for protection by those. Following the application of clotrimazole, the affected tissues die, and the infection is treated. One of the most popular products based on clotrimazole is Canesten, in various forms and concentrations.

Perhaps the most common use of clotrimazole is against Candida. Treatment may include both applications of the cream and the introduction of a vaginal tablet. Clotrimazole creams are usually based on a concentration of 1% clotrimazole, while tablets have a concentration of 100 mg. Candida infection is one of the most common diseases worldwide. Symptoms include itching (pronounced for women), inflammation of the vulva, and the presence of leaks cheese-albic. Irritation and infection in men attract deposits of albic present on the glands. If one partner has the disease, it is recommended that both parties apply the treatment.

Clotrimazole cream, efficiency proved against mycosis.

Another common condition is the inter-digital fungal infections of the foot, known as the “foot fungus” or “athlete’s foot”. This condition is caused by improper shoes or poor local hygiene. At the time when people walked barefoot, the situation was not known. Therefore, it is recommended to walk with bare feet as long as possible during the day, and when shoes are necessary, socks and shoes must be made of natural materials, non-synthetic. This way, the skin is allowed to breathe.

Inter-digital mycosis symptoms are quite unpleasant. These include the appearance of itchy rashes, itching, dry skin, foot odour and whitened nails. In this case, the application of clotrimazole cream was proven to be extremely beneficial.

Whatever the type of fungal infection is, the treatment is lengthy and can even reach 3-4 weeks.


Clotrimazole is a beneficial substance for body health because fungal infections are so widespread and persistent. Clotrimazole is found in various forms and is mainly used to treat candidiasis and foot fungus. Treatment is a long one, but the results are excellent. There are very few fungal infections resistant to clotrimazole, so the efficiency is almost guaranteed.

Garcinia Cambogia Review – Only a Trend or Real Results?


Garcinia Cambogia was considered one of the best weight loss natural remedies for the last years, many women trying it with success, or at least with visible results. At some point, it was so popular that it was featured in the most important naturist shows, such as the one of Dr. Oz. Fame comes with problems, and this was the case with this plant also. The increasing demand of this Garcinia Cambogia, in form of pills, powder or elixir was so high that the approved and known manufacturers were not able to keep up with it. This ‘encouraged’ many dubious manufacturers from countries where laws for food supplements are not so strict.
Soon, people started to complain about the secondary effects of the product. It was mainly because of the fake products trying to imitate the real Garcinia, but it was enough to destroy the reputation of this remedy.

If you are still thinking about starting a cure with Garcinia Cambogia, you should know some more about it from specialists. Get the idea that it is a wonder plant that would help you lose weight in record time. This plant is indeed useful but taken smartly and without expecting wonders.

What is Garcinia Cambogia?

It is a small fruit like a small pumpkin, originating in Indonesia but also grown in India, South East Asia and even Africa. It is used for centuries in traditional medicine and as a condiment. Many people use it to prepare and conserve fish.

Adding Garcinia Cambogia to the daily diet is considered in this part of the world as a way of giving taste to meals. In some villages in Malaysia, it is used to prepare soups for weight loss diets but only combined with other healthy habits.

Natures Aid Garcinia Cambogia 1

Garcinia is known to block the appetite in a natural way. The peel extract of Garcinia is known as Hydroxycitric acid. Researchers say that the weight loss efforts are helped by the consumption of Garcinia Cambogia daily.

With adequate efforts, diet and exercise, Garcinia Cambogia can be good to stop ’emotional eating’, but also cravings for snacks. It helps you to eat less taken before meals, but this does not mean that you can fill up your plate hoping for Garcinia to burn everything you eat by itself.

In the United Kingdom, patients use Garcinia Cambogia for a while, especially those that had connections in the Asian world. Lately, the UK consumers also have divided opinions about Garcinia Cambogia.

Natures Aid Garcinia Cambogia 2

Naturemedies made this Garcinia Cambogia review hoping for its readers to understand the benefits, side effects and expectations that they have to have about Garcinia Cambogia in any form. If you buy it from a trusted manufacturer, and you follow the instructions and dosage, you can be sure this product will help you. In the United Kingdom, there are many of those, but we recommend Nature’s Aid Garcinia Cambogia. Nature’s Aid is a small but traditional food supplement manufacturer from the United Kingdom, which preferred to grow based on the quality of products, not quantity. It is the reason why it is the recommendation of Naturemedies and its trusted partners.

As the results of this food supplement are still contested, it is better to look for alternative treatments for this problem. Consult your doctor for medical treatment of your disease. If you are looking only for some proven ways to improve your wellbeing, you can think of looking for alternative natural treatments in our shop. You can find many natural treatments less known in the UK, but which are used by people in other countries for ages.

What is Ashwaganda (Whitania somniferia), The Indian Ginseng Everyone Is Talking About in UK


Turmeric – Natural Remedy for Bell’s Patsy‘Pharma Specialists concluded that Chinese Ginseng would soon be replaced in preferences of consumers by its Indian equivalent, which amazed the researches in laboratories’.

Ashwaganda (Withania somniferia), the Indian Ginseng is a tropical plant, from the tomatoes family. Its roots are a treasure of energy-stimulant substances. Under its action, the patients observed general improvements in their state of health. The healing time after surgeries is reduced, and it is believed to have anti-cancer effects.
The plant is recommended at any age, and it can replace not only Ginseng but also other natural and chemical remedies. Eight types of tumours started an absorbing process after being treated with Ashwagandha extract.

ashwagandha UK 1


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Branca Ursului in the UK- A Possible Infertility Treatment?

Branca Ursului UK

Exploring Branca Ursului in the UK: Benefits, Uses, and Availability

Branca Ursului, scientifically known as Heracleum sphondylium and commonly referred to as Cow Parsnip, is a plant native to Europe and parts of Asia. In the UK, this herb has gained attention for its potential health benefits, particularly concerning reproductive health and vitality.

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Turmeric (Curcuma longa) – The New Natural Remedy Everyone Is Talking About


Turmeric is a herb from Asia, related to ginger and popular as a natural remedy in India, but also in other parts of the world. It is used as a condiment in the Indian cuisine, but in the United Kingdom, it is mostly used as a natural remedy and general rejuvenating treatment.

Only the root is used for therapeutic purposes.


The turmeric root contains volatile oils, mineral salts and turmeric peptides. It is also rich in polysaccharides.


Turmeric increases the general health of the digestive system, and it stimulates the gall. It increases the capacity of the liver to eliminate toxins, it has anti-cancer effects, inhibiting the growth of cancer tumours and metastasis (in breast, stomach, colon and skin cancer). It has anti-inflammatory effects. It can be compared with some antibiotics when it comes to antioxidant properties. It improves circulation, it is anti-atherosclerotic, anti-platelet aggregation, preventing thrombus formation of blood vessels.


It also prevents heart diseases, purifying the blood and lowering the cholesterol. It increases the mobility of joints, tendons. It also calms a sore throat, cough and soft bronchial secretions.

Therapeutic recommendations:

The therapies based on turmeric or consuming the plant itself is a good idea in case of circulatory diseases or concussions. It also helps recovery after respiratory diseases.


As a powder, patients are recommended half o the teaspoon three times a day as a mixture of fruit juice.
Root infusion – prepare one teaspoon of turmeric infusion in one cup of water. Two cups a day, before meals, is the recommended treatment.
Turmeric tincture – 15-20 drops a day, before meals

Side effects:

Used in large quantities, the turmeric root provokes gastric irritations, and in the areas where the food is spiced with turmeric, gastric diseases are more frequent. However, used as a treatment in moderate quantities, it does not come with important side effects.

Why Turmeric CBD?
Naturemedies promotes only natural remedies of the best quality. We found out that CBD oil combined with turmeric powder fight the free radicals affecting your body. It is why we found Wunder Workshop CBD, a brand combining the benefits of turmeric with CBD and other natural remedies.

Some say CBD is able to reduce the spread of cancerous cells and to help in treating Alzheimer s Disease. The products we sell and recommend are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Turmeric Extracts and CBD have anti-inflammatory benefits. Turmeric and Curcumin are the same things, and Turmeric CBD oil is a combination of turmeric root extract, olive oil and cannabidiol CBD. One teaspoon of turmeric has long-lasting effects on your wellbeing. It is believed it is a pain relieving product as well.

Why Natural Aphrodisiacs are An Alternative to Modern Medication


It is a desire of most men to somehow find a wonder medicine boosting their virility and sexual performance naturally. This desire has led mankind to try herbs and spices that work as natural aphrodisiacs since immemorial times. Even though there is no scientific evidence to prove that these natural substances help in treating sexual problems, they have been used by mankind since ages in different cultures. There are many different problems pertaining to sex such as impotence or difficulty in arousal (erectile dysfunction), premature ejaculation, or decreased libido in women. Different herbs are used for different sexual problems.

boost sexual performance naturally 1
Viagra is a drug that has become very popular across the world as a wonder drug to treat sex-related problems. But its side effects have also led people to look for natural substances with the same effect. A natural aphrodisiac is a naturally occurring substance that is capable of arousing sexual desire. The reason why mankind searched for plants to treat sexual problems was that these plants had virtually no side effects. Today, with the increasing difficulty of accessing Viagra through NHS and with the fake products that are sometimes sold as legitimate medicine, it is normal for people to look for viagra natural alternatives.
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Without a doubt, Ginseng is one of the most popular natural aphrodisiacs around the world. Used by millions of men and women around the world to treat the problem of reduced sex drive, Ginseng is considered very effective by common people and experts alike. Ginseng is a herb first known in China and Korea.

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Today, those herbs are grown in different parts of the world and used by companies to manufacture natural pills. In a recent study, Korean red ginseng was given to menopausal women and a significant increase in their sexual arousal was noticed. Ginseng also helps men in overcoming the problem of erectile dysfunction. Many people choose to boost their sexual performance naturally using Korean Ginseng, in the form of pills, natural remedies and even tinctures.
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Horny goat weed

This is a plant that helps in increasing libido both for men and women. As the name implies, this plant gained notoriety when it was noticed that goats became sexually aroused and indulged in sex when they accidentally ate this weed. This natural aphrodisiac from China is today grown all over the world and used by companies to manufacture pills treating sex-related problems. With regular intake of horny goat weed, women are able to overcome their problems of low sexual desire. The Horny Goat Weed has been known to boost sexual performances naturally both for men and women with the same efficiency.
boost sexual performance naturally horny goat weed


This is a wonder herb from Mexico that has gained popularity as a powerful, natural aphrodisiac. It has been used as a sex stimulant by men as well as women since ages. It is believed to be especially effective in treating impotence or erectile dysfunction associated with emotional problems. For men dealing with the problem of ED because of anxiety, Damiana proves to be a very effective aphrodisiac. It is equally effective in the case of women who are experiencing low sex drive or are not able to achieve orgasm because of depression or any other emotional problem.
boost sexual performance naturally Damiana


This is a powerful aphrodisiac for women. It is being used since time immemorial as an Ayurvedic medicine to treat sexual problems. The name of this gerbil aphrodisiac is derived from a plant with hundred roots. It takes care of the reproductive system of women and works to improve their sexual health. Regular use of this herb provides boundless reserves of energy to women. This herb works well even in the case of men if it is taken in conjunction with Ashwagandha.
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Cow Parsnip

The roots stem and leaves of this herbaceous plant have been used by the natives as a natural aphrodisiac for ages. The tincture made from the large leaves of this plant is believed by many to treat the problem of low sexual desire among men and women. Visit the SHOP for this natural treatment, where you can find it as Branca Ursului or Cow Parsnip tinctures and tablets.
cow parsnip hogweed tablets 2

The good thing about these and many other natural aphrodisiacs is that they are derived from plant sources and are thus 100% safe and natural. One can safely consume these herbal aphrodisiacs without any health worries. These products are also available over the counter and one does not need a prescription form a doctor before starting on any of these natural aphrodisiacs. The same cannot be said about Viagra and other such allopathic drugs made to treat impotence and erectile dysfunction.

Indian Celery- Eight Amazing Benefits You Can Get From It

indian celery benefits

Indian celery comes with many health benefits and a lot of people are not actually aware of it. However, prior to moving to these benefits, let us first know more about celery. Well, it is a plant and is being consumed as a vegetable. It is an integral part of the Indian and Eastern European cuisine. You can actually eat this plant raw or cooked, but you should first try it cooked by an experienced hand. If you are lucky to find such a skilled cook, you will definitely find out why celery is good. So, let’s jump into the health benefits of Celery, the Asian name of the common UK hogweed or cow parsnip.

1. Blood pressure reduction- Indian celery contains phthalides that are organic compounds and works well for lowering the stress level and the hormones in your blood. It even lets your blood vessels to expand, which gives the blood wider room to move. Keep in mind, whenever the blood pressure is reduced, it puts lesser stress on the whole cardiovascular system, reducing the chances of you having atherosclerosis. Thus, there’s no need for you to worry about having a stroke or a heart attack.
2. Cholesterol reducer- eating celery every day could help to reduce the LDL or the bad cholesterol that clogs your arteries. The phthalides found in Indian celery stimulate the secretion of the bile juices, which work for reducing the levels of bad cholesterol. Keep in mind, less cholesterol would mean lesser plaque on your artery walls. The fibre in Indian celery works for scraping out the bloodstream and for removing it from the body through bowel movements.

indian celery benefits

3. Antiseptic- Indian celery reduces the levels of uric acid, so it is used commonly for its diuretic properties, which means that it also stimulates urination. Thus, this herb is simply good for those people who have bladder disorders, cystitis, kidney problems and other similar conditions.
4. Enhanced immune system- the Indian celery is very rich in vitamin C. Thus, it works great in boosting the strength of your immune system. It is actually stimulated by the activity of other antioxidants in the plant. By simply eating in in a regular manner, it could help in reducing your risk of catching up common colds, as well as protecting you against any sort of diseases.
5. Eases asthma- vitamin C in celery also helps in preventing the free radical damage and has amazing anti-inflammatory properties that could surely lessen the severity of the inflammatory conditions, such as asthma.
6. Diuretic- both in potassium and sodium and these minerals assist in regulating the balance of the bodily fluid. Potassium even acts as the vasodilator, which reduces the blood pressure.
7. Cardiovascular health- since it has a notable presence of fibre, vitamin C and other organic chemicals along with its roots, Indian celery works perfectly for your cardiovascular health.
8. Migraine relief- coumarins are also present in Indian celery, and that they could provide amazing and faster relief from migraines. The exact mechanism is not understood. However, the research points to the destruction of the Nitric Oxide being released in the brain that causes migraines and headaches.

The product might have benefits on weight loss. Celery seeds are used for a long time to prevent heart diseases and it is a good source of vitamins.

The benefits of celery are amazing, so why not include them to your daily diet and enjoy the healthier version of you?

If you are looking for the celery extract benefits, you can look for Branca Ursului, which is the same plant. Both of them are known in their country of origin for their benefits as natural remedies.

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How Herbs Can Be Beneficial To Your WellBeing – Herbal Remedies


These days, most of the new herbal remedies promoted on modern channels have been in existence for centuries, in a time where drug companies did not exist and expensive medication was not really an option. Most of the time, herbs were used to treat health conditions and other issues. The only thing is that, since more money gets pumped into the pharmaceutical companies’ pockets, one would barely hear about the natural and yet, cheaper medicines available from our ancestors.

herbal remedies 1

Herbs, such as Hogweed, cow parsnip, Indian rhubarb, Indian celery and Pushki are pretty much beneficial to your body. As a matter of fact, these herbs are not at all pricey, and will never ever provide any adverse effects to your body. However, prior to touring you around the benefits of these herbs, it’s also essential for you to note that not all of the herbal remedies are safe for the long-term usage. There are also some limitations, such as for pregnant and lactating women, among other things.
herbal remedies 2
Thus, the benefits of using herbs are definitely many, but the most essential one is that you’ll surely be using natural remedies, as opposed to manufactured drugs. You’ll get the chance to save money in the process. The drug companies continue to offer their customers drugs that cost pretty much, and it’s becoming an epidemic. Apart from this is that the compensation for these doctors whenever they prescribe medicines to their customers is pretty high. It’s definitely no wonder that things have already gotten out of control.
herbal remedies 3
In case you’re looking for a cheaper, yet effective way on how to enhance your mental, physical and even your emotional health in the most natural and holistic way, then these herbs mentioned above would be ideal for you. These herbs can be found anywhere, and you could even get the chance to plant and grow them in your own backyard or garden. It doesn’t really matter where you put them, these herbs are not at all hard to find.

Since they are herbs, they are natural, you are free to consume them anyway you like, or find helpful recipes on the internet. For certain, there are also thousands of other people who have the same interests as yours, so you can join forums and get to know more about the benefits of these herbs to your body and wellness.

herbal remedies

Would you rather spend a big amount of money on your medication, when there’s actually a natural and holistic way to cure or treat yourself? Never again put your life and health at risk, get your very own Hogweed, cow parsnip, Indian rhubarb, Indian celery and Pushki herbs, grow them, consume them, make a tea out of them and live healthier than ever. Keep in mind, these herbs are pretty much powerful, in a way that they could cure cancer, and prevent you from any other diseases, by making your body more resistant to the common problems that people have today.

Cow Parsnip As The Best Alternative Medicine You Can Get


Whenever you’re looking for natural medicines, or alternative treatments, something in which you is not anymore required to spend a lot of money for, it would be ideal for you to get Cow Parsnip. Medication from the natural sources of the world is highly ideal, especially, these days, for which many people are prone to diseases and other health issues. You don’t want to poison yourself more with the chemical-based medicines, right? Well, at some point, it could treat your underlying problem, but not its root cause.

natural remedies

So, if you’re looking for something that is far more effective, without even costing you too much, give yourself the chance to get to know more about Cow Parsnip and use them.

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As a matter of fact, you could just plant them in your own garden, or anywhere, as long as there is a healthy soil and give yourself a natural medicine for life. However, what is cow parsnip and how can is it beneficial for you and your health?
The cow parsnip grows with about three or four large rug sand spread-wings, leaves, lying often on the ground or even raised a little from it with round and long hairy foot-stank under it, which is also divided into five. The two couples are standing against each other, and there’s one at the end and each them almost round, yet indented at the edges in some leaves, but it cannot be so deep in others.
Cow parsnip has this whitish-green colour and has a strong smell, and springs this crusted, round and branched at the top, where the stand large umbels of white and reddish flowers. The root is also long and white, with three or more long strings that grow down the ground, providing that pungent smell.
On the other hand, this herb has been medicinally used and found to be effective. Its root is a good medicine for toothaches, once it’s directly placed into the area. As a matter of fact, you could use a tincture of the seeds or roots. It is simply less irritating to the gums than the cloves. The seeds and roots are being used as the antispasmodic to the intestinal tract. In case you’ll be using it in your tea, make sure that it’s been dried first.
If you always get nauseous, this tea would work perfectly for you, not to mention that it also helps in treating acid indigestion and heartburn. For the stomach aches, the essence of the seeds would be effective. A drop or two would work perfectly. However, if you’re a pregnant woman or a nursing one, you need to make sure that you don’t take this for the safety of your child.
So, what are you waiting for? If you want to cure your disease or illness in the most natural way, away from any adverse effects that modern medicines have to offer, finding yourself these miracle cow parsnips would be ideal. You can always look for herbalists, as they could be selling one.