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Napraznic UK (Herb Robert) – an Enigmatic Natural Cure (Geranium Robertianum)


Napraznic UK – Geranium Robertianum is a small plant sneaking under stones forming something like a pink carpet. Over the years, even if it is a little researched by modern medicine, but this plant is known since the Medieval Era in France and Eastern Europe. From this plant, food supplement producers make Herb Robert capsules, less known in the UK but used for years in other parts of the world.

Napraznic Herb Robert Capsules UK

First ‘researcher’ of the therapeutic benefits of the plant was a monk, Robert from the Molesme monastery in France. He used to say about Herb Robert or Napraznic that it can cure many diseases. Robert was followed by thousands of people for his kindness and was made a saint by the Vatican after his death. There are not many writing pieces remained from the saint, but those are about plants and their therapeutic effect. Because he was especially fond of this plant, it was named Herb Robert, the name with which is known in the UK.

Best Napraznic UK – Herb Robert Capsules

Original price was: £5.00.Current price is: £4.54.
Even if the modern world forgot about the teachings of Saint Robert, the plant exists in many parts of the world where the plant was especially cherished and used. In Romania, a country where traditional remedies are not forgotten, it is known as Napraznic and it is synthesized in capsules and tinctures with therapeutic effect.
Saint Robert used to say this plant keeps the body and mind young, healing the spirit and mind. The plant is known in many parts of Europe but also in America and Australia. It is a herbaceous annual or bi-annual plant with a red tulip covered with smooth hairs. The leaf is soft to touch and can be easily torn. The flowers are pink, placed two by two at the top of the peduncles. The fruit, in the shape of a beak, can’t be consumed.
Leaf and tulips of the flowering plant are harvested without roots, as the plant can regenerate after harvesting. The plant can be used as it is to extract the juice or more frequent, dry.
In traditional medicine, there were many cures based on Napraznic, the plant being known in the mountain areas especially for its rejuvenating effect, both for men and women. In some parts of the Balkans, men known with impotency were dressed for many days in a row of clothes soothed in a boiled mixture of Herb Robert with water. Fresh juice of Napraznic was mixed with milk and drank by men and women to increase libido. Here are some administration methods for today’s world.
Combined infusion
Two teaspoons of flowers and leaf put in a small cup and left from evening until morning. The juice is only macerated plant. Boil the remained plant with another cup of water and filter the mixture. Combine with the cold infusion remained from earlier. Drink two, three cups a day on empty stomach.
Herb Robert Wine
Put 20 teaspoons of dry Herb Robert in a litre of red wine. Leave it for two weeks to macerate, then filter the mixture. Take 3 teaspoons a day, 15 minutes before a meal. It has digestive and rejuvenating effects, as well as aphrodisiac and antidepressants.
Herb Robert powder
Take one teaspoon of powder 4 times a day on empty stomach. Before swallowing the powder with some water, hold it for a few minutes under the tongue. In traditional English and French medicine, it is combined with the fresh yolk.
Napraznic capsules
They are a mixture of excipient and Napraznic powder. It is the most used form of Napraznic as it is easily administrated, well tolerated by the organism and have a strong therapeutic effect. Known for ages in the Balkans and especially Romania, they are now available on the UK market.
Preventive actions
In viral infections – administration of Herb Robert (Geranium Robertianum) has stimulating effects on the immune system, but also a direct antiviral effect. It is recommended a cure of Herb Robert for 30 days. It prevents hepatic eruptions and keeps viral hepatitis under control.
UV rays affections – Napraznic is one of the most resistant plants in the world of radiations, whether we are talking about ultra-violets, electromagnetic rays of even by the damages of the high tension power lines rays. Of course, you should follow the treatments prescribed by the medic in case you were following a treatment, but you can complete it with a cure of Napraznic to treat the secondary effects of the rays such as cutaneous eruptions, migraines, nervous breakdowns.
Tiredness and fatigue. Napraznic is considered a good adaptogen plant, increasing resistance to stress, increasing the immunity of the organism and neutralizing the free radicals. It is efficient likewise, to prevent diseases given by psychical fatigue. It is an adjuvant natural cure for herpes and viral infection medical treatment. Take 3 tablets a day for minimum of one month.
Internal treatments
Impotency – administration of Herb Robert or Napraznic as capsules is a strong hormonal boost, with effects known in time. It is recommended for the treatment of mild impotency. It has good effects associated with another plant known for the same therapeutic action, Branca Ursului or Cow Parsnip.
Men sterility – Napraznic ( combined with Branca Ursului of possible) may increase the concentration of spermatozoids over time, improving their motility. It is an adjuvant natural treatment for oligospermia and asthenospermia.
Women sterility – Napraznic can be administrated as infusion or powder on an empty stomach, combined with milk for a better taste. The Austrian therapeutic Rudolf Breuss used Herb Robert (Geranium Robertianum) tea on 8 couples that could not have children. Both partners drank one cup of tea each morning and after one year, six of them were pregnant.
Menstrual cycle disorders – one of the natural alternatives to medical treatments of bleedings, unless heavy bleedings which have to be seen by a GP or a specialist. Take one or two teaspoons of Herb Robert powder for one month with milk for one month. Take a break of two weeks and continue the treatment. It is well associated with Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla Vulgaris).
Possible uses of Napraznic:
Different types of cancer – a Spanish doctor V. Ferrandiz used Napraznic or Herb Robert as an adjuvant in the treatment of breast, lungs or prostate cancer. In Spain and Portugal, where Herb Robert is popular, numerous cases of cancer were ameliorated with this plant.
For this type of treatment, you need one teaspoon of Napraznic powder mixed with an egg, and during the day, take one teaspoon of powder three times on empty stomach. Take this treatment at the same time with a healthy diet, for at least one year. You can associate with other natural and medical treatments.
Intestinal cancer – administrate an infusion 2 times a day, 250 ml. Take this treatment for 10-12 weeks followed by two weeks of break. An Australian therapeutic, Isabell Shipard registered many cases in which Napraznic was of help in treating intestinal cancer. If you don’t like the infusion, you can take 6 capsules of Herb Robert Napraznic Natural tablets.
UV exposure – Herb Robert tea is useful to fight the immediate effects of UV exposure. Drink the infusion 250 ml, twice a day.
Chronic fatigue – take a cure for two months, 6 capsules a day. This treatment has sedative effects, it favours regeneration of energy, being efficient even against mild depression.
External usages:
Herpes – local washing with Napraznic infusion may increase the rate of healing of herpes eruptions, but they do not replace medical treatment.
Napraznic as tea or infusion is used in traditional Eastern European medicine for a long time, and even if they are less known here, Napraznic may be of help in the UK for curing a large number of diseases:
– Nose bleeding – a mixture of Napraznic concentrated with salt, put in the nostril with cotton
– Conjunctivitis – wash the infected eye with a Napraznic infusion
There are no reported side effects of using Napraznic, but it is recommended to consult your doctor if you feel any inconveniences.

Natural Remedies for Colic: Studies on Probiotics Provide Relief for Crying Infants

Natural Remedies for Colic

Colic. It is a dreaded word in almost any family. The colicky baby cries for hours, despite any efforts to soothe him, and many parents are stretched to their limits. Doctors still are not sure what colic – a condition traditionally associated with gas pains – exists, but we know it happens. The little ones can’t tell us what is wrong with them, but we can help them by researching into the role of natural remedies for colics or probiotics in the body may help find a cure for this ailment.

Colic Defined

Infant colic is a common diagnosis given to otherwise healthy babies who cry or scream frequently and for extended periods of time without any discernible reason. Typically, colic appears within the first few weeks after birth and usually disappears suddenly by the time the baby is 3 to 4 months old.

Colic is different from the normal crying associated with a newborn infant. Babies are usually diagnosed with colic if they cry intensely for more than three days a week, for more than three hours in a day, and for more than three weeks in a month. A paediatrician should be consulted whenever a baby is suspected to have colic to rule out any other health issues that may be causing distress.

Traditional Treatments for Colic

Traditionally, many parents of colicky babies have used a variety of herbal remedies to cure colic. Any herbal supplement should be approved by a health care professional before being given to a baby, and there is no clinical evidence that these remedies actually work.

Other treatments for colic include changes in the mother’s diet for breastfed infants, feeding with special formulas, and special techniques for cuddling the baby. Pacifiers, white noise, and extended periods of rocking have also been recommended as potential treatments for infant colic. Simethicone has been a popular treatment for generations, but even these gas relief drops have mixed results.

Colic and Probiotics

Probiotics are supplements of the beneficial bacteria and other microorganisms that live naturally in the human digestive tract. Doctors and scientists have been studying different strains of probiotics since the early 20th century. Scientists are currently researching the role of probiotics in treating or preventing a variety of ailments, including lowering cholesterol, reducing inflammation, and possibly even preventing colon cancer.

In 2015, The American Academy of Pediatrics released a study which looked at the effectiveness of probiotics vs. simethicone in treating colic. Half of the colicky babies in the study were given simethicone daily, and the other half were given a daily supplement of the probiotic L ruteri. The researchers found that L ruteri improved colic symptoms within one week on average, and by day 28 of the study 95% of the babies receiving the probiotic had improved, compared with only 7% of the babies receiving the gas drops.

L ruteri can be found in certain types of yoghurt and probiotic supplements. Although the exact mechanism for its treatment of colic is not yet understood, these studies are promising. Parents are advised to discuss any treatment options, including the use of probiotic supplements, with their child’s paediatrician before use.

Vitamin C – More Than a Common Cold and Flu Remedy


Vitamin C intake protects the body against the harmful effects and physical distress brought on by disease. It is also known as L-ascorbic acid or L-ascorbate.

Vitamin C Supplements and Dosage

It is best to consume vitamin C supplements preferably as organic capsules in small doses twice daily. The body will eliminate the majority of vitamin C taken as ascorbic acid.

Capsules buffer the ascorbic acid with calcium or another mineral reducing its acidity. Esterified ascorbic acid (Ester-C) levels absorbed by white blood cells, the bloodstream and body tissues are higher than measured levels of standard ascorbic acid.
Taking as little as 60mg will prevent scurvy, a disease resulting from low levels of ascorbate. The recommended vitamin C level in the United States is 45 mg daily, and in Russia it is 125mg. Previously it was thought the maximum daily dose should be 2,000 mg, however Dr Patrick B. Massey, M.D., PhD recommends an intake of approximately 5,000 mg buffered ascorbic acid daily according to the December 26, 2010, issue of the Daily Herald.

Common Cold and the Flu Remedy

The vitamin C complex increases white blood cells which fight off virus and bacteria. Colds and flu symptoms improve the intake of 2,000mg to 2,500mg of vitamin C every six hours.
Ascorbic acid, a natural cold and flu remedy, boosts interferon levels. Interferon is an immune-system antibody coating cell surfaces protecting against viral entry. It is a natural antihistamine acting on cold and flu symptoms; watery eyes, nasal and chest congestion.

Cardiovascular Disease and Heart Conditions

Lower the chance of heart attack by ingesting 6,000 mg of vitamin C daily with lysine, an essential amino acid. Lysine repairs tissue and builds up muscle protein. Lysine-rich sources are yeast, red meat, potatoes, milk, lima beans, cheese, eggs, fish, and soy products.
Vitamin C increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, preventing bruising and haemorrhages, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels are lowered.
vitamin c food supplements
Cancer Treatment and Tumor Control

Vitamin C is a natural remedy for cancer pain. The vitamin C complex fights cancer growth, prohibiting invasion into the surrounding tissue, bloodstream or lymphatic system.
Ascorbate increases collagen, a body protein needed for cell walls, blood vessels, ligaments and connective tissues. Collagen confines the cancer cells to one area in the body. Vitamin C with the amino acid lysine, retards protease, the protein-dissolving enzyme which spreads cancer.

“Consider cancer. Would our cellular structure be tough enough to resist this kind of invasion more effectively if our collagen could draw on ascorbic acid production comparable to that of other mammals?” asks biochemist Irwin Stone in the article “The Vitamin C Mania – Why all Those People are Gulping all Those Tablets” published in LIFE Magazine and written by Paul O’Neill.

Alcohol and Cigarettes

Both alcohol and cigarette smoking deprives the body of vitamin C. To cure a nasty hangover, re-hydrate with plenty of water, and replenish ascorbic acid as Ester-C.
A resolution to quit smoking benefits from replenishing low vitamin C levels. About 500mg of vitamin C is lost by smoking one pack of 20 cigarettes.

Haemoglobin and Iron Deficiency

Taking vitamin C assists the body with the absorption of iron.

Haemoglobin in the blood requires iron, folic acid and ascorbic acid. When iron supplements are taken for anaemia (iron deficiency), the body takes vitamin C from the white cells and blood platelets. Vitamin C levels in the body then fall drastically low.

Benefits for Stress and Surgery

The vitamin C complex is needed for the increased metabolic demands placed on the body through emotional or physical stress; childbirth, disease, heat stress and surgery.
Anti-ageing and Longevity

Vitamin C is the best anti-ageing product. Ascorbic acid deficiency over a long period of time contributes to age-related degenerative illnesses. Ascorbic acid increases mental alertness, decreases broken bones, reduces wrinkles, fights fatigue, cataracts, glaucoma, increases energy and ameliorates vertebral-disk lesions.
Topical vitamin C serum’s ability to build up collagen reserves results in one of the best skin products.

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“Look at the ageing process. Many of the symptoms of ageing are the symptoms of scurvy protracted over a long period of time … Would humans live, say 150 – would a man of 60 looks like a man of 35 do? No – if we had adequate lifetime supplies of ascorbic acid? Joint disease? Circulatory ailments?” professes Stone in the same article above.

Vitamin C Complex – Ascorbic Acid and Bioflavonoids

“There’s something about an orange that’s better than taking a vitamin C capsule. It’s the particular mixture of antioxidants in an orange that makes it so good for you. We’re looking for synergistic effects – cases where the effect of two or more antioxidants together was stronger than the sum of them separately,” said nutritionist Tory Parker in the article “Oranges Better Than Vitamin C Capsules” published in The Post Chronicle.

Antioxidant and Bioflavonoid Sources

Vitamins A, C, E beta-carotene, carotenoids, bioflavonoids and selenium are all classified as antioxidants. Rose hips contain large amounts of bioflavonoids and vitamin C.
Bioflavonoids such as rutin enhance the body’s ability to metabolize ascorbic acid. Bilberries, the European blueberry, are a rich source of routine. along with cherries, white grapefruit, grapes, apples, kale, red onions, onions, garlic, spinach, green cabbage, cranberries, and pears. Citrus fruit pulp and grated peels are rich sources of the 4,000 different bioflavonoids.
Take vitamin E, beta-carotene and ascorbic acid together for maximum benefits. Vitamin E is best metabolized with selenium. Seeds, vegetable oils, and grains are important sources of vitamin E and garlic contains selenium. Carrot juice is a rich source of beta-carotene.
natural remedies food supplements


Camu Camu and Other Vitamin Rich Foods

Citrus fruits, berries and green vegetables are important sources of vitamin C. The Kakadu plum, Camu Camu, rose hips and garden cherry has the highest sources of ascorbic acid. One orange contains 70mg vitamin C and a grapefruit 79.1mg.

Side Effects

Do not stop taking large amounts of vitamin C suddenly. This results in a rebound effect – a drastic decrease in vitamin C levels. If pregnant, do not take large amounts of ascorbic acid. After birth, the baby will be deprived of this source, and experience a rebound effect.
natural remedies food supplements
Diabetics should advise their doctor about high vitamin C supplement intake. Blood tests and medications for diabetes may be affected.

Vitamin C is an Important Vitamin

Individual dosage vary depending on lifestyle. The human body cannot produce its own ascorbic acid. It is necessary to eat rich vitamin C food sources daily. A person under stress from disease, or post-operative surgery, requires additional boosts of vitamin C, a super nutrient. Humans cannot survive without vitamin C, an essential nutrient.

Aromatherapy for PMS: Find Relief for Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms Using Essential Oils

aromatherapy for pms

Aromatherapy for PMS is a natural healing method, which utilizes essential oils to support good health and wellbeing. Since essential oils work both through aroma (smelling) and through skin absorption, they are especially useful in easing PMS signs.

The term Premenstrual Syndrome refers to a range of physical and emotional symptoms which women experience during the monthly cycle. Since every woman is unique, symptoms can be different from month to month and can vary in intensity.

Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Nervous tension
  • Headache or migraine
  • Backache
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Bloating
  • Breast tenderness
  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Food cravings

PMS Symptoms may start as early as two weeks before the onset of menstruation or not until just a few days before. Most women notice some relief as their period begins, but some symptoms can persist for a few more days.

Which Essential Oils are good for Premenstrual Syndrome?

The following essential oils are all good choices to relieve PMS symptoms. Each oil could be enjoyed on its own by just opening the bottle and inhaling or putting a drop onto a tissue and inhaling occasionally. Read on for a few other aromatherapy methods. It is recommended to begin aromatherapy treatment a few days before symptoms are expected to start.

  • Bergamot
  • Clary Sage
  • Frankincense
  • Geranium
  • Lavender
  • Neroli
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Rose
  • Sandalwood
  • Ylang Ylang

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Abdominal Massage for PMS Relief

Mix together 2 drops each of lavender, sandalwood and rose essential oils. Add that mixture into 4 tsp (20 ml) of grape seed or jojoba oil and massage gently onto the abdomen. It is a sensitive area so do not massage deeply, do not go beyond what is comfortable. Following up with a hot water bottle with cause the essential oils to absorb into the skin more quickly and therefore help tight muscles to relax.

A Warm Aromatherapy Bath to Soothe Jangled PMS Nerves

Here’s an easy method to ease premenstrual symptoms. Add a total of 8 drops of essential oils to warm bathwater or unscented bubble bath. Some good choices are bergamot, roman chamomile and geranium. Soak for around 15 minutes, and then curl up in cozy clothes or a warm bed. Resting supports the healing process.

Tight on Time? Opt for a Foot Bath Using Essential Oils

A foot bath can sometimes have as much of a beneficial effect on PMS symptoms as a full body bath. So, if time is short, add 2 drops each of ylang-ylang and geranium essential oils to a foot bath and soak for around 10 minutes. The water will smell heavenly, so add some deep breathing to ease nervous tension.

The symptoms which accompany Premenstrual Syndrome can be troubling and exhausting. Aromatherapy is a beautiful, gentle method to ease both physical and emotional discomfort. Allowing time for personal pampering, relaxing and turning the energy inward gives relief to body and mind.

A Few Cautions

This article is not intended as a replacement for professional medical advice. Consult a doctor if PMS symptoms are causing concern. Some essential oils may stain clothing or skin, always test a small area first. Pregnant women, infants and children should only use essential oils under the supervision of a trained aromatherapist. Do not use essential oils on open wounds. Do not use internally. Avoid contact with eyes or mucous membranes.

How to Remedy Brittle Nails: Causes and Treatment of Splitting Fingernails

How to Remedy Brittle Nails: Causes and Treatment of Splitting Fingernails

Few people want to look down at their hands and see brittle, splitting fingernails. Not only do brittle fingernails look unsightly, they make it a challenge to put on an even coat of nail polish. The good news is this problem can be corrected with a little knowledge and a bit of extra effort. Here’s how to remedy brittle nails.

What Causes Brittle Fingernails?

The main reason fingernails become brittle is due to repeated exposure to water. When hands are exposed to water through activities such as dishwashing, the surface of the nails dry out from the repetitive wet-dry cycle that comes from putting hands in and out of water.
The nail beds also naturally lose moisture with age, so brittle, splitting nails are more common in older people. Some people add to the problem by exposing their hands to harsh cleaning chemicals and nail care products that are overly drying. Fingernails that split can also be caused by low humidity in the air which dries the nails.

What Causes Brittle Fingernails: Could It Be Serious?

In some cases brittle fingernails can be a sign of an underlying medical problem. Medical causes of brittle, splitting fingernails include an underactive thyroid gland, diabetes, malnutrition, eczema, and psoriasis. This is why it’s important to get this symptom checked out if it doesn’t respond to treatment.

How to Remedy Brittle Nails: The Nutritional Approach

Some people have brittle, splitting fingernail because they’re lacking good nutrition. It’s a good idea to get blood studies done to make sure there’s not a deficiency of minerals such as iron, zinc, or calcium which can contribute to the problem. A B12 deficiency can also cause vertical nail ridges that make the nails appear brittle.

If these tests are negative, adding more fish oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids may help the problem since they provide essential fatty acids that nourish moisture deprived nails. Evening primrose oil is another supplement that’s a good source of essential fatty acids for healthier nails. A doctor should be consulted before starting these supplements.

How to Remedy Brittle Nails: Other Tips

Use rubber gloves whenever hands are exposed to water to keep the nails from drying out. Avoid excessive use of nail polish and nail polish removers since they can be harsh on brittle, splitting fingernails. Always apply a layer of moisture lotion to nails after the hands have been exposed to water.

Treating Brittle, Splitting Fingernails: The Bottom Line?

To remedy brittle nails avoid exposure to water and chemicals and apply moisture lotion to the nails liberally. Adding fish oils and other sources of essential fatty acids to the diet may also help. With a little persistence and time, this common condition can be corrected and healthy nails restored.

Natural Alternatives for Viagra


Erectile dysfunction is not something to joke about. This problem with one of the most important organs of our body in terms of mental health and…happiness; it is also a possible sign of a cardiovascular disease.

Don’t ignore your couple problems

natural supplements remedies 1

Besides the masculine ego, the ability to ‘lift it up’ is important for you and your partner, and generally for the family. If things are not OK in bed, you can choose to ignore problems saying that ‘there is something important to be solved before that’, such as a problem at work or raising money for a holiday.

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Ignoring intimacy problems can be one of the causes of embarrassment in your couple. It was told that sex means 90% of your relationship when it is not good, but only 10% when it is. Men, especially those aged 35 to 45 are going through a period named ‘andropause’, when the level of ‘erotic’ hormones such as testosterone and the hormone of growth start to decline in production.

Pharmaceutical alternatives

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Best natural alternatives to Viagra

L-Arginine: this amino-acid becomes important in periods of trauma or stress. Usually, the body produces it in sufficient quantities, but in times of stress, including trauma, the body stops making it, and this is why supplementing it is important.

natural supplements remedies 1

At the same time, when arteries go through what is named endothelial period and can’t dilate sufficiently, supplementing L-Arginine may correct this affection by regulating nitric oxide, increasing the fluidity of the blood This solves cardio-vascular dysfunctions, including the erectile one. Studies about L-Arginine proving that can help reverse the process of degradation of the erectile function. Combined with Cow Parsnip Tinctures or Pycnogenol, it has enhanced effects. Pycnogenol: this substance is amazing and it offers a large gamma of benefits for health. There are 80 proven uses of Pycnogenol. When it comes to erectile dysfunction, it is an enhancer for other treatments but can be considered as a treatment itself. Ginseng: this Asian weed was used for many years for increasing longevity and…the duration of making love. There are many studies showing that some types of ginseng are useful for treating and preventing erectile problems. Maca – this South American remedy is also food, known for its contribution to increasing fertility both in men and women. It has a contribution to the general level of health for patients with light potency problems. Green Tea – green tea prevents embarrassing problems by diminishing the instalment of arterial sclerosis in the cavernous body of the penis, improving the erectile function and the vascular health.

natural supplements remedies 2

Sport – one of the best methods for improving self-esteem and sexual vitality is the sport. A study from 2009 showed that lack of exercise contributes to erectile dysfunction problems. A sense of humour – a life lived with a negative attitude, especially added to a medical affection will not influence sexual life positively. A study showed that people watching comedies suffering from dermatitis benefited from an improved sexual life. A combination of those will probably not have the immediate effect of an expensive pill, but in the long term, they will help you to delay the moment when you will actually need those pills.

Medicines that may affect your sex drive

Antidepressants may be the cause of major sexual dysfunctions unless prescribed with the goal of treating these conditions. The selective inhibitors of serotonin are associated with the sexual function, but unless prescribed by a doctor, antidepressants may have an inverse effect on erectile dysfunction problems.

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Energize With Natural Supplements – Possible Alternatives to Medicines


Fatigue, sleepiness or lethargy disappears with natural supplements if used correctly. Here are some natural toning energisers giving you back vitality, improving the capacity of attention and concentration, increasing brain activity, improving memory and thinking.

  • Sweet potatoes rich in potassium, iron and fibre
  • Carrots, rich in beta- carotene, fibres and minerals
  • Beans, a source of proteins, irons and fibre
  • Banana and yellow melon – a source of vitamins, carbohydrates and fibre. Bananas give you the same energy as refined sugar but without the adverse effects.
  • Integral cereals for breakfast with rich content of rice, which is easily digested and stabilises the level of sugar in the blood
  • Water, as it hydrates the organism. Dehydrating means lack of energy and chronic exhausting. The body needs sleep to rebuild the reserves of energy lost during the day.

Tips for fast recovery

natural supplements remedies

  • Eat healthily: don’t starve to exhaustion in your weight loss goals and make sure you are eating healthy food. Lack of food has the same effect as lack of sleep and can favour depression.
  • Avoid alcohol in excess, tobacco, sugar and even coffee. Unless you are addictive of your morning coffee, you can quit that as well.
  • Don’t skip breakfast. It ensures the necessary combustion after a long night and equilibrates sugar level.
  • Think about integrating CBD in your daily diet to improve your wellbeing.

15 Possible Uses of Propolis Tincture

Turmeric – Natural Remedy for Bell’s PatsyIt is said that bee propolis is one of the most reliable natural medicines offered by nature. Because of its composition of vegetal raisins, wax, volatile oils, iron, micro-elements – copper, zinc, cobalt, pollen, secretions of the saliva glands of bees, it increases the physical resistance of the body and removes fatigue. Propolis tincture is also antiviral, anti-inflammatory, it rejuvenates tissues affected by wounds. It heals burns and frostbites, scars, and stops the bleeding of gums.

Types of bee propolis and its benefits

There are two types of propolis: the raw one, in the form of snowballs of brown colour with a sweet-bitter smell, and alcoholic tincture. Here are some of the uses of propolis tincture that can help you in healing many medical conditions.

benefits of propolis

  1. All the infectious diseases leading to fever – 30 drops/day
  2. Menopause – 10 drops a day, every day from the beginning of pregnancy for one year.
  3. Prostate inflammation – 10 drops a day
  4. Hypertension – 30 drops/day
  5. Inflammations of kidney and liver – 40 drops two times a day in a glass of 100ml of hot water. Repeat until healing
  6. Angina, pharyngitis, flu and avoiding complications after surgery – 40 drops/day in a glass with 200ml of boiling water
  7. Stomach ulcers and enteritis – 40 drops/day in 100 ml of warm milk. Drink on an empty stomach.
  8. Corns and keratitis – moist a cotton bud in propolis tincture or bee propolis liquid and almond oil before sleeping. Put it on the painful area. Careful! Keratitides are painful for days!

Propolis: OTC Natural Antibiotic

  1. Skin lesions – rub the affected area (use the bee propolis tincture with alcohol if allowed by your GP). If alcohol is not supported, use the propolis spray. Mix the tincture with cream to reduce the irritating sensation of the skin.
  2. Recovery after pulmonary diseases, including flues: 30 drops. Three times a day or five sprays two times a day in the mouth. Try to spray as far as possible in the pharynx, if you can bear the unpleasant sensation.
  3. Mycosis between toes and fingers – spray or rub the tincture on the affected area.
  4. Stomach pains – 30 drops in 100 ml water. Recommended in intestinal parasitosis.
  5. Tooth pains – moist a cotton bud on the painful tooth. The bee propolis elixir will clean the sore gum or caries.
  6. The same bee propolis benefits can be obtained for old wounds that heal slowly.
  7. The tincture can be used to ease the pain of burns

Where to buy bee propolis products

Naturmedies offers you a less known propolis tincture from Romania, manufactured under EU laws, approved in the UK under European Law and used by tens of thousands of people in the Balkans, but also in other parts of the world. Dacia Plant is the most reputed food supplement manufacturer in Romania, and their propolis tinctures, so accessible and useful in Eastern Europe is now available in the UK.

Cow Parsnip – Branca Ursului – Treating Infertility In A Natural Way

Branca Ursului UK

Cow Parsnip is known as one of the most efficient natural remedies in Romania against infertility, its benefits being proven by scientific research. Cow Parsnip (in the UK) – Branca Ursului has antiseptic properties, comparable with synthesis medicine used to treat sterility and impotency problems. Tea from this plant is also a remedy for sterility, impotence and frigidity, but also for women’s infertility.

Treating Infertility In A Natural Way

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Learn How To Make Your Own Essential Oils


Essential oils are flavoured substances obtained from plants. They are 70-100 times stronger than the plant itself, and this is why some of those substances must be treated with extra care. Oils can be extracted from leaf, seeds, root or flowers. Besides the industrial methods used to obtain essential oils, there are some traditional methods to make those home remedies with your hands.
Essential oils have many uses, but they can’t replace medical specialized treatment. If the home remedy does not give results after a few days, consider consulting your GP
– Homemade soaps – essential oils will give the flavour of the soap
– Homemade perfumes – if you put the right dosage of passion and essential oils, your perfume will be just as good as the ones bought from Sephora
– Mixes for homemade candles – there are numerous methods that can be used to make perfumed candles

What you need to make essential oils
Of course, the oils, and you will always need some at your disposal all the time. Choose olive and grapes oil or sweet almond oil which is easily absorbed. They don’t smell and they will last a long time. You can choose distilled water or alcohol and dark coloured bottles for storage.

Method 1

home made essential oils
Put the plants in a pot and fill it with distilled water. Boil the mix on small fire for 6 hours at least. Leave it for one week while collection the oil that surfaces every day. Cover the jar with a cloth and leave it until the last drop of water evaporates. The essential oils obtained with this method are good for 12 months.

Method 2

Fill a small cotton bag with plants that you want, make sure it is perfectly tied and boil it in a pot with distilled water. Boil it fir at least 6 hours and use the same method to collect the surfacing oil. The difference is that you can squeeze the bag to get more oil, so it is a faster method than the first one.

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Method 3:

Put 500 ml olive oil in a jar and add as many plants as you can. Close the jar with a lid and leave it in a dark place for 24 hours. Mix it well every day. After 3 days, strain the oil through gauze and put it in a dark glass bottle. If you want a more intense perfume, repeat the process with the same oil.

Method 4:
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Put two cups of olive oil and flavoured plants in a pot. Boil the mixture for 6 hours and strain it through a thin disposable cloth. This essential oil can be used for 6 months and it is really concentrated, so dilute it with olive oil if you think it is too strong.

Method 5:

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Put the next ingredients in a jar: 1 teaspoon of plants, half a cup of olive oil and half teaspoon of white vinegar. Leave it in a sunny place for 3 weeks. Strain the mixture through gauze and keep it in a dark place. This mixture can also be used for 6 months after making.

Method 6:

Put plants and refined alcohol in a jar and close it with a lid. Leave it for two weeks and pour the mixture in a larger jar for alcohol to evaporate. Collect the oil remained after evaporation and put it in a dark coloured bottle.
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WARNING: those oils are only for external use, do not use in foods and in any other way